Zach Riddley Raises Voice Against Anti-LGBTQ+ Florida Legislation


Executive of EPCOT reimagining Creative Portfolio Zach Riddley finally states his opinion about the latest Florida Legislation. The Imagineer puts up a lengthy post sharing his experiences as a gay man on his Instagram handle.

Zach Riddley has now become part of the Disney cast members collectively protesting. The legislation that he is questioning has the tagline that reads “Don’t Say Gay.” This law speaks about the Education Bill and Parental Rights for the people belonging to the LGBTQ+ community in Florida.

He talks about growing up gay and the bullying he endured throughout his childhood, which led to depression, in the post. He also shares his positive encounters with storytellers from many backgrounds, including LGBTQ+ individuals.

Zach Riddley puts up a post that is making headlines

According to his Instagram post, Zach Riddley states that he witnessed the Florida legislation pass with rage and frustration. He remembers how he grew up in a neighborhood where there was a lack of awareness and understanding of being gay. As a result, there was fear, bullying, and unhappiness.

There was sadness with the realization that you are different, that you are unworthy of love, support, friendship, or acceptance. However, he believes that children from households with two fathers or two mothers are as much a part of them as their eyes or skin color.

Zach Riddley speaks about his belief that the best way to progress is for everyone to understand and learn that it is alright to welcome differences and feel like they belong.

He dreams of a universe that reflects everyone to have a tremendous amount of depth. This includes adventures, authentic and unique locations, and stories, created in part by the thoughts of individuals who are different. He says we are all part of a creative heritage that has shaped generations of followers worldwide. Riddley adds that he is proud to be a part of that legacy.

Zach Riddley
Image Source: Disneyland News Today

What is Zach Riddley’s meaning of protest?

In his post, Zach Riddley emphasizes the meaning of his protest against the legislation. It is his opinion as an individual and a leader and a proud, married gay guy.

Additionally, he has made several friends throughout his tenure at Disney, including outstanding LGBTQ+ cast members, Imagineers, leaders, and allies. According to Riddley, the LGBTQ+ is a strong community, and their voices and experiences are essential.

He speaks about the journey that everyone has accomplished together, listening and learning from each other. However, Riddley also believes that there’s still so much to achieve. Therefore, every person must continue to progress by increasing our understanding, acceptance, and appreciation.

Riddley states that he is standing with each person who shares these beliefs and represents all who need a reminder about their importance. Moreover, he says that they are not alone and valuable. Zach Riddley ends his post by stating that everyone deserves love for how they are.