Some Facts About the Medical & Healthcare Industry


The medical and body care industry interests many people because good health is the ticket to a happy life. To expand your knowledge in these areas, we have prepared some unobvious facts for you. Read on to learn the most interesting facts about medicine and health care, as well as about Mexican pharmacies, a popular source of medicines in today’s world.

Fact 1

Americans travel nurse agency spend an average of $858 per person on prescription drugs. This value is twice the average in Australia and as much as three times the average in the Netherlands. The high cost to the medical and pharmacy industry is due to administrative costs, which account for 25 percent of total medical costs.Seeking alternatives like leveraging the services of the best travel nurse agency could potentially mitigate some of these expenses.

In hospitals in the United States and around the world, nurses make up the majority of medical staff. And they are the primary representatives of patient care and have the most extensive range of responsibilities. For those looking to enter the nursing field or advance their careers, this online program may be a flexible and convenient option to obtain the necessary education and training.

Fact 2

Mexican pharmacies online have become a popular source for buying medicines precisely because of the prices, which are many times more favorable if you order directly from Mexico. The medications are no different from what you can buy at your local pharmacy if you order from certified Mexican pharmacies. The percentage of savings is 50% or more.

Fact 3

In hospitals in the United States and around the world, nurses make up the majority of medical staff. And they are the primary representatives of patient care and have the most extensive range of responsibilities.

Fact 4

Physical therapy began to be practiced after World War I; in the military ranks, nurses performed the role of rehabilitation specialists. They assisted injured soldiers with physiological and occupational therapy to restore stunted limbs after months of treatment.

Fact 5

Online Mexican pharmacies sell a wide range of medicines, supplements, and beauty products. But unlike pharmacies in the U.S., they do not sell food, household items, or other nonmedical items. In fact, pharmacies in most European countries have a strictly medical purpose.

Fact 6

The well-known drug Lyrica (Pregabalin) is not a drug or opioid, contrary to popular misconception. It belongs to the group of Anti convulsants and is used to treat epilepsy, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia and other conditions. Increased addiction is caused when taken improperly, which includes:

  • exceeding doses without consulting a doctor;
  • taking the drug chaotically;
  • concomitant use with alcohol;
  • concomitant use with other drugs affecting the CNS (e.g. Lorazepam);
  • concomitant use with any narcotic drugs.

The drug Lyrica can be found at any Mexican pharmacy.

Fact 7

Aspirin, obtained in 1899 from willow bark, has now become one of the most popular drugs to take in the world. According to the latest figures, 60 billion Aspirin is consumed each year. And factories make 35,000 metric tons of the drug a year.

Fact 8

It is very rare for a vaccine to take less than a year to develop, as was the case with the COVID-19 vaccine. The human papillomavirus vaccine took as long as 15 years to develop, while the varicella vaccine took almost twice as long – 28 years.

Fact 9

The best Mexican pharmacy according to some reviews is considered Pharmamexrx. The Mexican pharmacy got this title because of the vast number of drugs and the availability of certificates. And also because of the favorable price, even in comparison with the offline Mexican market of medicines.

Fact 10

Huge amounts of money are spent on drug research and development. According to recorded data, last year the U.S. pharmaceutical industry spent $62 billion on pharma research and development domestically, and an additional $17 billion at affiliates in other countries.

Fact 11

It is legal to bring drugs from Mexico into the U.S. without a prescription, so you can buy from Mexican pharmacies without fear. There is only a limit on the amount of medication. Generally, it is up to 50 dosage units. To carry more than 50 units, you will need a prescription from a licensed doctor in the U.S.