4 Challenges of On-Premise Call Center Systems


The evolution of business trends and customer demands has led to a major shift towards cloud-based call center systems. However, many companies still rely on traditional on-premise solutions and face significant challenges as a result. This article highlights the key drawbacks of on-premise call centers that impact flexibility, costs, mobility, and disaster recovery.

As businesses evolve, so do their needs. While the allure of cloud-based systems is evident, many companies still grapple with on-premise call centers. One of the most pressing concerns? Flexibility.

Lack of Flexibility and Scalability

On-premise call centers lack the agility that cloud-based systems provide. Every change and upgrade relies on new hardware or software installations, making the system rigid.

With cloud solutions, businesses can scale operations seamlessly as needs change. The virtual infrastructure allows easy expansion or downsizing of agent seats, phone lines, and features. Seasonal spikes and fluctuations in call volumes can be managed efficiently without having to overhaul the physical setup.

The pay-as-you-go pricing model of cloud platforms is ideal for the ebb and flow of customer demands. Resources can be added or removed to align with changing priorities. Starting small and expanding gradually makes it financially viable.

While on-premise call centers persist in some industries, their limitations are evident. For growing businesses and startups, the lack of flexibility, high costs, IT dependency, and mobility constraints make call center on cloud solutions the optimal choice.

On-premise systems also lag in supporting remote work and distributed teams. Agents need to be physically present on the call center premises to access the hardware and software. Enabling work-from-home requires significant infrastructure changes.

With the cloud, agents can log in from anywhere with just an internet connection. Virtual call center solutions make cross-location collaboration and remote monitoring seamless. The ability to recruit talent beyond geography gives businesses immense flexibility.

High Initial and Maintenance Costs

Physical assets like real estate, telephony equipment, servers, wiring, and furniture require major upfront capital expenditure. Depreciation and upgrade costs pile on over time.

With cloud platforms, there is no infrastructure cost. The pay-as-you-go pricing allows businesses to start small and add features and agents as required. Ongoing costs align closely with usage rather than idle capacity.

Maintenance of on-premise hardware and connectivity can be tedious and expensive. Issues like electrical failures, wiring faults, and outdated tech stacks require technical specialists. Downtime directly impacts revenues.

Cloud solutions minimize maintenance needs by handling the underlying infrastructure. Automatic updates and built-in redundancy limit downtime risks. Technical complexities get abstracted from business users.

By expanding these sections with more context, data points, and examples, the challenges of lack of flexibility and high costs of on-premise systems stand out clearly. Let me know if you need any other sections expanded.

Limited Remote Work Capabilities

The stationary nature of on-premise call centers restricts agents and operations. “With on-premise call center software, an agent is restricted to a corner in the office and has to log in to the system every time before starting with the calling process.

For the functioning and running of the call center operations, you must be physically present for the call monitoring.”

Cloud-based systems enable remote work with their internet-based access. “Hosted technology has been available to the contact center industry for several years, although its market penetration has been modest at best. However, COVID-19 proved to be a catalyst for adopting the cloud-based model due to its work-from-home capabilities.”

The challenges don’t stop at mobility. The technical intricacies of on-premise systems often necessitate specialized IT teams, adding another layer of complexity and cost.

Dependency on In-House IT Teams

On-premise call centers rely heavily on in-house IT staff for support. “IT assistance for technical support and smooth functioning is a must-have requirement for technologies that need additional hardware. This is mainly because of the reason that on-site equipment is delicate and cannot be managed by the local staff or managers on their own even when the smallest errors occur.”

With cloud solutions, IT resources can be optimized. “With an on-premise contact center, you have the freedom to customize your software, but development takes time and resources.”

As we delve deeper into the intricacies of on-premise call centers, it becomes evident that while they have their merits, the challenges are manifold. Before we conclude, let’s address some common queries that arise in this context. With data stored on physical hardware, the risks of outages and data loss loom large.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the lack of flexibility in on-premise call centers impact remote work?

On-premise call centers do not support remote work, making it challenging for businesses to adapt to changing work trends.

Why is there a significant need for hardware in on-premise call centers?

On-premise call centers require a physical hardware system and a vast wiring layout, leading to substantial investments and maintenance costs.

How do on-premise call centers fare in disaster recovery compared to cloud-based systems?

On-premise call centers are vulnerable to disasters and often have minimal chances of recovery, whereas cloud-based systems store data virtually, ensuring smooth operations even during emergencies.

While on-premise call centers persist in some industries, their limitations are evident. For growing businesses and startups, the lack of flexibility, high costs, IT dependency, and mobility constraints make cloud solutions the optimal choice. And with data stored on physical hardware, the risks of outages and data loss loom large.

As customer demands and work models evolve rapidly, the scalability and resilience of cloud-based call centers will be key to providing excellent customer experiences. For call centers looking to upgrade their infrastructure, the cloud offers next-generation capabilities without the hassles of on-premise systems.