Do’s and Don’ts of Driving in Dubai


Dubai is a great place to advance your profession or expand your business, which is the critical factor contributing to the city’s high expat population. Driving in Dubai is more complicated than going in most other cities because of the city’s diversified and large population, which causes Dubai to have the highest car ratio in the world. Therefore, many people prefer to hire a car in Dubai with driver.


Here are some general do’s while driving in Dubai:

Maintain a Distance:

Driving at night can make it challenging to assess distances accurately. This might then make room for tailgating. In the UAE, tailgating is illegal and has recently been implicated in numerous incidents. We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to keep a safe distance from other vehicles when driving at night. Maintaining a safe space can aid you in having greater control of your car if a problem occurs.

Accidents at night are primarily caused by sudden braking, abrupt lane changes, tired drivers, poor vision, and animals crossing the road. You may avoid many problems on the road at night by keeping a safe distance and traveling at an appropriate speed.

Observe The Laws Of The Road And Observe The Traffic Lights:

Yes, this is a critical component of driving safely. Maintaining order on the roadways and observing traffic signals contribute to accident avoidance. To drive safely, you should be informed of any changes to traffic lights, road signs, and speed limits. It always gives way to other vehicles and pedestrians at intersections, crosswalks, and other places. You can safeguard your safety and the safety of others on the road by obeying traffic laws and signals.

Keep awake While Driving:

Driving after midnight is seldom safe and never simple. To lower the elevated risk of accidents while driving at night, you must conquer the significant challenge of falling asleep. Make sure your body is well-rested and in good enough shape to go till the following day if you plan to start a road trip late at night. Assuming you ever feel drowsy while driving, let your co-passenger take the wheel. Make sure to park your car away from the highway if you are traveling alone and get some rest. As we know, driving when fatigued endangers other motorists’ lives.


If someone is speeding close to you, you should either pull over if it’s safe to do so or keep going at your current pace and let them pass. Do not, under any circumstances, quicken your own pace. Numerous speed cameras are used, and police frequently monitor the major thoroughfares. Remember that Dubai’s speed limits are determined in kilometers rather than miles.

When Reversing Or Changing Lanes, Use Your Turn Signals:

Yes, turning or changing lanes safely and courteously requires turn signals. It is helpful to let other drivers know your objectives to clear up any misunderstandings or potential incidents. Another benefit of using turn signals is making other drivers aware of your presence and giving them adequate time to respond and make the required changes. Always utilize your turn signals, especially in congested areas or conditions with poor visibility. Using turn signals, you may encourage a safer and more streamlined traffic flow. 


A Vehicle Cannot Be Passed From The Right Side:

Due to the right-hand driving law in Dubai, overtaking from the right side is prohibited and will be treated as a traffic infraction; violators will be subject to fines or other punishments. Drivers should be aware that overtaking is only permitted from the left side in Dubai.

Avoid Cursing at Other Vehicles:

This is sound advice for courteous and safe driving. Cursing or using hostile language toward other drivers can exacerbate road rage, elevate stress levels, and reduce everyone’s level of driving safety. It’s always preferable to maintain composure and calm when operating machinery. 

Eat Or Drink Nothing While Driving:

Eating or drinking while operating a motor vehicle can distract your attention from the road, sometimes resulting in risky driving behaviors. It’s advisable to either wait until you get there or take a break before eating or drinking. This can aid in your safe arrival and prevent mishaps.


Instead of leaving your automobile anywhere, always search for the finest location. If you park in the wrong place, you risk receiving a ticket and being charged additional expenses. For instance, you cannot park your vehicle in front of a hotel or shopping center entrance. Why not leave it there because parking spaces are generally available in Dubai? You won’t waste any more money, and it will be safe. 

You can easily rent a car Al Nahda Dubai and other areas of Dubai, thanks to the services of car rental agencies, such as One Click Drive.