Are dental veneers the best solution for unattractive teeth?


Marilyn Monroe once said, “A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.”

Times have changed and men don’t want to be left behind. Why should they lag? Gender equality!

Moreover, research done by Psychology Today says that a beautiful smile can improve the quality of your life. If you don’t have a naturally beautiful smile and perfectly aligned teeth, that’s not your fault. Dental veneers by Whangaparaoa dental center can save the day.

Even if your penchant for coffee, cigars/cigarettes and red wine has resulted in the destruction of your teeth, veneers can still be your saviors. Just give them a chance.

Still thinking? It’s time to act!

Veneers come with many benefits and here is why you should go for them.

Veneers protect cracked or chipped teeth

According to Whangaparaoa dental center, cracked or chipped tooth hints towards tooth weakness. Meaning you need to act fast to strengthen your tooth. Not only strengthen it but to empower your smile. Veneers can do both. Their strength lowers the pressure on the tooth while chewing. Their shielding effect also stops chip or crack from getting worse.

The veneer also conceals the affected tooth and you don’t have to feel shy or embarrassed while smiling. If you’ve gone to the right dentist and they have done a good job, no one can determine whether it’s your real tooth or not. They look completely natural.

Gaps between your tooth look unsightly

The best solution for ill-appearing teeth and gaps between them are veneers. Yes, the most common answer is teeth whitening and bonding respectively. However, since you can have bulky veneers (more than the size of the teeth in width) to counter the space between them, why go for anything else.

Going for veneers will make sure that your teeth are proportional and seem naturally beautiful when you smile. The best part of veneers is that they can be coloured to perfectly match the hue of the teeth. Others will notice a bright white smile without knowing the real reason behind it. You will love facing the mirror.

Perfect modification for ill-formed teeth

Not having perfectly formed teeth is a common thing. No need to worry. Veneers can help you with that. The tooth shells can be shaped perfectly to adjust the tooth’s form. This modification of the veneers means that the ill-shaped tooth won’t be visible and can mix well between the surrounding teeth.

Hide stains and yellow/off white tone

Yeah whenever it comes to stains, the first thing that pops in our minds is teeth whitening. However, even with an advanced procedure like teeth whitening, some stubborn stains stay forever. If you also fall in this category, why don’t you give a chance to veneers? A complete covering of veneers on your teeth will not only get rid of the stains but it will also give you a sparkling bright white smile.

Creating a smile that impresses

As we age, our smile, one of the most notable features of our personality, can lose its vibrancy. It could be due to any reason like discolouration, grinding, cavities and decay or a small misfortune. If you want to create a smile that impresses and enhances your personality, there are several cosmetic dental procedures available. And dental veneers is one of them.

Some quick benefits of veneers

Apart from the above-mentioned benefits, the following are some add on of veneers which have made them a primary treatment in today’s time.

Veneer process can be finished in two visits (min) to the dentist

  1.       Veneers are highly customizable
  2.       They are durable
  3.       Gum-friendly
  4.       Stain-resistant

The above-mentioned list of veneer benefits is enough to for you to notch-up your smile.

Can porcelain veneers damage your teeth?

According to dental specialists, they don’t. They are custom made and designed in a way that they fit perfectly over the teeth to enhance their appearance by adding beauty to your teeth.

To understand the fact that they are completely safe and don’t inflict any damage to the teeth, you need to grasp the concept of how they work. When you visit a dental specialist and wish to go for veneers made of porcelain, they are custom designed according to the size of your teeth and to complement your teeth.

Now, irrespective of the fact that you want one veneer of want to overhaul your entire smile, your newly custom-made veneers will fit perfectly to your teeth. They are attached to your teeth using a material that hardens over time.

Once they are joined with the teeth, the next step is to shape and polish them to make them fit according to the size of your natural teeth.

Veneers are taking over teeth whitening

Watch out for veneers as they are quickly becoming a fantastic solution for teeth whitening. What is the normal remedy that comes to your mind when you think of countering stubborn teeth stains? Teeth Whitening or bleaching, right?

Let me tell you one thing, over the years teeth whitening and bleaching are found to be effective against teeth staining. However, some tenacious stains won’t just disappear even after going for repeated treatments and spending hundreds of Sterling Pounds.

Suffering from the cracked or chipped tooth? Want to improve your teeth appearance and achieve a bright white smile that enhances your personality? Turn towards a leading dental specialist and discuss with them whether veneers are a good option for your dental hygiene and appearance.