Disney’s Cultural Impact on Millennials: Examining the Lessons Taught by the World’s Most Beloved Entertainment Company


Disney is part of our lives. Not only the younger generations are watching Disney animations, but the older ones too. Of course, this does not mean that Millennials are old, but they were one of the first generations to grow up with the animations of this giant in entertainment when it comes to movies. When you think about animations, you think about movies, tv-series or short movies that are designed for children. And indeed, children are the ones watching them, but they come with essential life lessons for anyone.

When we are caught up in living adult life, juggling between classes, in taking care of the family, we might lose sight of some crucial things we need to remember. So, many of the movies created by Disney have had a huge impact on the millennial generation. But how was this cultural impact shaped? What exactly is the impact on disney millennials? Are there any stereotypes in Disney movies? 

Facing Your Fears 

One of the most essential life lessons taught by Disney movies is that you should face your fears. We might also call it the Disney effect on society and culture. Many millennials have grown up watching Disney movies and one of the most popular among them is Finding Nemo. As you probably know already, Nemo gets lost but his father never gives up on searching for him. Of course, this is not happening so easily and he has to face many fears and setbacks along the way. Even though it seems like a simple movie, it simply inspires millennials and other generations that are watching it to go beyond their fears which might draw them backward. Adults obsessed with disney already know that Finding Nemo is one of the animated movies by Disney that inspires them even when they have reached adulthood. 

The impact of Disney on the millennial generation is profound, with many individuals growing up with Disney as a defining part of their childhood. As such, it is no surprise that there are many millennial generation essays that explore the cultural impact of Disney. From movies like The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast to TV shows like Hannah Montana, Disney has left an indelible mark on the popular culture and identity of millennials. Examining the lessons taught by Disney can provide insight into the values and beliefs that are held by this generation, and how they have been shaped by the entertainment company. There are essays and samples you can access anytime, no matter if you are a student in school or college. There are free essays for students who want to start working on their research paper about the impact of Disney movies on the life of children and adults alike.

Setting Goals 

As millennials, you already know that life is full of surprises. When you are little, you imagine it to be facile and it is the moment when you are eager to become an adult to have more freedom. However, you perceive them differently when you are already an adult. And you know that setting goals is one way to progress, but we sometimes avoid setting goals that are too high.

Well, this is what we learned from the Toy Story movie. These little toys teach us that you can “Reach for the sky” and dream big. No challenge is insurmountable and even though it seems like you cannot face it, you can find the power within you to do it and follow your dreams.  

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone 

Living in the comfort zone is comfortable, as the name says it. It is cozy and you do not have anything that perturbs your silence. However, as long as you stay in your comfort zone, you do not grow, and you do not expand your knowledge. And this is one of the most valuable life lessons taught by the Disney movie Tangled. As soon as Rapunzel left the tower she was living in, a life of adventures and new opportunities awaited her. And this is pretty much a depiction of what happens in real life. 

Final Thoughts ons

Disney is one of the most well-known entertainment companies that have launched thousands of animated movies and tv series. And they have inspired generations and continue to inspire today’s generations too. They teach some essential life lessons and millennials, who grew up with these movies, continue to follow these lessons. It is never too late to follow your dreams. Do not be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. The goals you set cannot ever be too high. Face your fears along the process as this will help you grow tremendously.