Exploring The Educational Themes In Disney’s Animated Movies


Disney has produced many animated movies over the decades of its existence. While some might think these shows are only for entertainment purposes, they also contain educational themes that help to convey important messages. This article explores this in more detail by going over four essential life lessons that can be learned from Disney animated movies.

4 Educational Themes In Disney’s Animated Movies We Can Learn From

Learning is an excellent way to boost one’s knowledge ad understanding of the world. It’s important to realize that not all learning comes from books. Here are four important educational themes Disney animated movies have taught us over the years:

  • You Can Succeed Outside Your Comfort Zone
  • Life Isn’t Easy, But Hard Work Pays Off
  • Don’t Let Your Fears Define You
  • Support Can Sometimes Come From Outside

1.You Can Succeed Outside Your Comfort Zone

Feeling scared or worried is common when faced with a new job or opportunity. There’s always the doubt that you won’t succeed, especially when you only have negative feedback from people. However, sometimes you just need to take those chances and show what you’re made of. This is what Mulan did in the 1998 Disney movie. She was a woman who went against the norms of society and posed as a male warrior. Her achievements went on to impress all those around her. 

For many students, leaving their comfort zone may be associated with moving away from home for college or even going to study abroad. If you dream of traveling to foreign countries, you must go prepared. Immigration services tend to follow rigorous protocols when attending to visitors, so you’ll want to read a Newsdirect review on the best translation services when you’re processing your travel documents. This will save you precious time and money when looking for quality translators.

2.Life Isn’t Easy, But Hard Work Pays Off

The 2003 Disney movie, Finding Nemo tells the story of a clownfish that travels across the ocean to find his son, Nemo. Eventually, he finds him, but the journey is filled with many ups and downs, with the main character sometimes side-tracked by other activities. This movie does a good job of explaining how life can be very challenging and you can face many obstacles when aiming for your dreams. However, remaining focused and optimistic lets you get to where you are going.

3.Don’t Let Your Fears Define You

The 1994 movie, The Lion King follows Simba’s growth from a cub to a lion. After surviving an assassination attempt that cost him his father, the King, Simba is afraid and runs off. Eventually, he meets two friends who teach him there’s so much to be grateful for in life. Sometimes events in our lives can make us feel alone and defeated. However, when you let this fear define you, it only worsens the situation. You can watch The Lion King today, and thanks to the excellent transcription, the subtitles make it easy to follow. A movie transcriptionist ensures all audio content is sufficiently converted into text. This role also provides many freelancing opportunities, so consider visiting this website to learn the skills required to become one.

4.Support Can Sometimes Come From Outside

Family is key and can play a key role in our success in life. However, you can also rely on outside help at times. In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the princess is exiled by her stepmother, who is also hunting her. Snow White eventually receives outside help as seven dwarfs come to her aid. Although she isn’t related to them, their friendship binds them, and together they defeat the evil queen.

Key Takeaways

Whether it’s learning that hard work pays off or that you can succeed outside your comfort zone, Disney animated movies have taught us a lot. Luckily there are many shows to choose from that cover a wide range of themes. So, consider a Disney animated classic next time you’re looking for a movie for the whole family.

Author’s Bio

Joanne Elliot is a writer with a passion for Disney. She enjoyed watching animated shows growing up. Looking back and seeing the value of these movies she watched as a kid, Joanne is committed to helping parents identify the benefits of these movies for their children.