How Much Does Disney World Make a Day


Taking a trip to Disney World has always been the dream of many. However, it is 2022, and we must admit that Disney is expensive for an average American. So, this makes many of us wonder how much does Disney World make a day, right?

We have all made plans and budgets to accommodate the Disney trip within our financial limits but have we ever pondered about the other side of the story? Have you ever sat and thought about how much you contribute to the money-making business inside Disney World?

The magical world, unfortunately, doesn’t run by magic. It needs real money to run that empire every day. So, if you want to look at that hard fact crossing the threshold of all vibrance and magic of Disney World, read this article.

The inception of the Walt Disney Company

Established on October 16, 1923, Walt Disney Company, United States of America is the greatest media and entertainment company globally.

The company headquarters is in Burbank, California. With the power of storytelling, the company’s mission is to build a world of magic and delight, amuse, and entertain people globally.

However, given the company’s enormous reach, you might ask yourself the question, how much does Disney World make a day!

You need to know the various operational sectors of Disney World, including studio entertainment, theme parks, media networks, etc. So, the conglomerate worth of this entire showbiz empire is something worth giving a deep thought to.

Disney World offers

How much does Disney World make a day

The answer to how much does Disney World make a day might astound you. Brace yourself because the answer is around 19.68 million dollars every day the empire operates.

Each second and minute counts in the clock of the Disney Empire, which then brings money back home. Thus, if you take into account the income of the three amusement parks only, then the yearly income of Disney World is $17 billion a year.

So, how much does Disney World make a day found a numerical value? But, if you want to know it in detail, you have the entire article left for you to gather insights.

Recent updates changed this figure a little. A recent survey brought the total income of Disney World as of 2021.

It says it earned $67.4 billion in 2021, which is tantamount to its global revenue. This means if you ask how much does Disney World make a day, the answer in 2021 was $17 million.

Thus, if you are thinking about the sources of this huge revenue, let’s remind you that it doesn’t only come from the theme parks.

Apart from that, Disney also owns Marvel Studios, Pixar Animation Studios, ESPN Networks, and ABC Television Networks. Lucasfilm Ltd.

Is also their franchise which was owned in 2012 for $4 billion! So, with so many different companies and franchises under one umbrella, it’s no wonder that Disney is one of the most successful and revenue-accruing companies in the world.

Disney’s daily earnings

So, now let’s have a little detailed sneak-peak into the question about how much does Disney World make a day!

As was stated earlier, in Financial Year 2021, Disney earned 67.4 billion dollars as compared to $65.4 billion in 2020.

Let’s go back and do a historical analysis. We will see in the three years between 2010 and 2013 the company’s yearly revenue increased steadily in the countries of Latin America, Asia Pacific, and North America.

However, the graph declines in European countries, and it stood at $6.18 billion in 2013 from $6.55 billion in 2010. Most of the revenue was earned in North America, where it rose to $34.02 billion in 2013 from $28.28 in 2010.

As compared to 2021, in 2020, the total revenue earned by Walt Disney Company in a year was 65.04 billion dollars. Due to several geographic reasons and situations, most of the revenue came from North America.

Canada and United States together earned $34.02 billion in revenue. However, revenue from Europe was usually less compared to the other continents. It could generate total revenue of $6.18 billion in that financial year.

Disney World Capacity

How much does Disney make a month?

Being the largest entertainment and media company, its revenue in a month heavily surpasses its counterparts in the market.

The last financial year, which is in 2021, earned $6 billion in revenue per month. Thus, the operating income of Disney last year was $3.6 billion.

The operating income saw a decline in 2016 because there was licensing in theatrical performances and home entertainment sales in the second half of the year. The revenue, however, rose to $55.6 billion.

We often think about Disneyland while talking about Disney World. So, are you wondering how much revenue Disneyland makes as well?

In 2021, the total revenue generation at Disneyland resort’s theme parks was $4.4 billion, which is tantamount to $19 million daily.

Average guest spending in that year was $61.30 per person. Thus, if we compare and study both Disney World and Disneyland, we will find that the main growth potential came from guest spending.

Even if the lower attendance following the Covid Pandemic was likely to cause a hit, increased guest spending balanced it. Thus, to summarise it in a sentence, Disneyland earns less than Disney World. While its daily revenue is $13 million, Disney World is twice, which is $25 million per day!

Disney World cash

Do you want to know the total cash reserves of Disney World? Till 2020, the total cash reserve was $201.55 billion for Disney World.

2020, owing to the pandemic, saw a reduction in sales. So, it earned 16.5 billion US dollars in 2020 from parks and resorts, around 10 billion dollars less than the previous financial year.

The most profitable portion came from media networks which earned around 28.39 billion dollars. This increased over the ten years from 2009.

The total assets of Walt Disney World were 201.55 billion dollars. 16.97 billion dollars was brought by parks and resorts.

The most popular part, Disney’s parks bags the first position among the most popular amusement parks in the world. In 2015, 20.49 million visitors visited Magic Kingdom, taking it to the top rank.

More than 40 percent income of the company in the financial year 2016 came from the media networks and channels like ABC Television networks, Hulu, ESPN Disney Channel, owned by Walt Disney.

Studio Entertainment stood third in sales. The blockbuster films, including Captain America: Civil War, Finding Dory, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and other films, contributed 26.3 percent of the box office share in 2016.

Coming back to the present, let’s now know about the net value of Disney World. If you want to calculate Disney World’s assets, you can subtract the liabilities from the assets.

The value of its total asset of Disney will be 209.37 billion dollars in 2021. The long-term commitments amount to 79.37 billion dollars. Thus, the net value of Disney World is 130 billion dollars.

The sources of Disney’s money

How much does Disney World make a day might have a straight answer, but how does it make that much is something that needs a detailed study.

The primary revenue sources of Disney World are entertainment, media networks, parks, and merchandise, streaming networks.

So, if you want to know how Disney generates so much revenue and how much does Disney World make in a day, this is something you should shift your attention to.


Let’s first start with the entertainment section of Disney World. In doing so, the studios that make films are listed here – Walt Disney Pictures and others like Blue Sky Studios, Searchlight Pictures, Pixar, Lucasfilms, Twentieth Century Studios, etc.

Theatrical distribution, television distribution, and home distribution are other things from which Disney earns its money. It also offers production, licensing, and development for live entertainment programs.

Disney World Park Hours April 2022

Parks and merchandise

Disney World vacation and park hopping go hand in hand. Most visitors also like to bring back some commemorative gifts from their most memorable trip. Moreover, the hotels and the theme parks generate maximum revenue for Disney World.

The total number of resorts and theme parks worldwide is 6 and 12, respectively. So, imagine the crowd influx and the huge revenue that can be generated from here.

One of many other consumer goods of Disney includes licensing of characters and brand names. Moreover, it also distributes its products through wholesale channels, online or retail platforms. Thus, their revenue from park tickets, resorts, merchandise, and license agreements is huge!

Disney Outlet Orlando - the Ultimate Place for Disney Merch

Media Network

National Geographic, Freeform, FX, and ESPN are the media channels for Disney. Around 8 domestic television channels owned by Disney and ABC brands network is one of the greatest revenue-generating bodies in Disney’s media network.

Moreover, the 50 percent interest in one of the largest channel networks in America – A+E Television Networks also helps in huge revenue generation. It also earns money by advertising, through affiliate films, and distributing license fees.

TV and streaming networks

The Direct to Consumer and International Division of Disney comprises Disney+ and ESPN+, and Hulu. The international TV networks and digital content platforms are also a part of the wide streaming network of Disney. Thus, subscription fees, license fees, affiliate fees, advertising, and others are some of the best sources of revenue generation for Disney through TV and streaming networks.

The expansion of the empire

If you ask how much does Disney World make a day, you might also ask if they plan to increase that in the future.

The empire is expanding very fast. It has recently acquired many franchises. Its streaming service Disney+ is set to compete with the OTT boss Netflix.

It acquired Marvel Entertainment in 2009, 21st Century Fox in 2019, and Lucasfilms Ltd in 2012. So, with these acquisitions going on, no one really can see any stop in the expanding wealth of the company.

Along with these, it also aims at engaging with local companies to spread the use of transportation and public rides for the guests and cast members of the team.

However, many Disney fans now have a reason to worry about this expanding empire. Many have even suggested that with so many firms under one umbrella, it might hamper the content and structure of the industry. Nevertheless, it is a wonder how they are successfully running the show without stumbling on any hurdle.

How much does it cost to run Disney World a day?

So, if you have been seeking the answer to how much does Walt Disney World make a day, this is also something that might bug your head. Have you ever thought about the cost of running Disney World a day? If not, read to know about it.

Last year around 52 million people visited Disney World, the dream destination for so many people worldwide. So, to run Magic Kingdom alone costs around $3.2 million a day. Thus, in a year, the sum is around 1.2 billion dollars.

There are around 73,000 employees in Disney World and 20,000 cast members recruited from third-party contractors. They provide the services like food, transportation, engineering, and other staff. Thus, their salaries, property taxes, and utility expenses cover a huge sum.

Final Thoughts

Thus, if you have read the article thoroughly, you have got the answer to the question you were looking for. So, if you want to taste this magic, you will have to earn access to it!