How Often Should You Go to The Dentist?


There are not many people in the world that enjoy going to the dentist. In fact, for many people, it can be something they worry about. It is common to feel nervous when someone is looking at your teeth, as well as worrying about pain during treatment. But, going to the dentist is something that everybody has to do, and it is best for your health in the long term.

The question is, how often should you go to the dentist? Well, this is going to depend on your age and whether you have problems with your teeth. Let’s take a closer look at what the recommendation is and how often you should arrange an appointment.

What is the General Rule for Dental Check-Ups?

When it comes to dental care, there are different recommendations. But, let’s start with if you have no problems with your teeth and you are simply having them checked over to make sure everything is going well. Generally, the NHS recommends that you see a dentist every 12 to 24 months. This is going to give you some leeway when you book an appointment. But, you should try not to leave it until 24 months if you can arrange an appointment sooner than this. There are some people that like to go every six months to make sure everything is good with their oral health.

Note that if you have problems with your teeth, you might have to see your dentist on a regular basis. This is something that a professional will talk to you about, and they can arrange your appointments ahead of time. Indeed, this might mean visiting more than once a year. Talk to your dentist about this and they can advise you. For example, check out if you live in North Finchley and you are looking for a new dentist. The team’s experience can put you at ease and make sure you are confident with the care you are receiving.

Why Do You Need to Go to The Dentist Often?

Have you always wondered why you need to go to the dentist? If you are not experiencing problems with your teeth or gums, you might think that you can skip your dental appointment. But, this is not recommended. Here are some of the reasons why you need to go to the dentist often.

To Catch Problems Early

Just because you have no obvious symptoms or problems, this does not mean that they do not exist. This is not said to scare you. But, it is a reminder that you want to see your dentist as often as you can. They are going to be looking closely in your mouth and be able to see problems before they get worse. This allows you to get early treatment and stop any pain or issues that might happen later on.

To Professionally Clean the Teeth

Most people get their teeth professionally cleaned when they go to the dentist. In other words, they get a scale and polish. This is going to remove plaque on the teeth, as well as any tartar that exists. Doing this can make your mouth feel better, as well as reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Find Out About Treatments

There might be some treatments you want to find out about. For example, teeth whitening is something that many people want to try. But, it is not recommended that you use DIY methods for this, as they can be damaging for your teeth. So, this is something you can ask about when you go to the dentist. They might offer this professional service that you can enjoy.

Enjoy Peace of Mind

Perhaps you are someone that worries about your teeth, and you do not want to lose any at some point in your life. Well, this is definitely a reason why you want to go to the dentist regularly. You are going to ensure that all problems are seen too early, and this will give you peace of mind. You will be able to relax and know that there is nothing bad happening. Health anxiety is something that should be taken seriously. Small steps like going to the dentist can make you feel better.