How to Incorporate Disney Characters Into Language Learning


The impact of Disney characters on us all, from children to adults, is huge. Just one glimpse of the lion icon at the beginning of a Disney film or animation suffices to glue millions to a sofa. Whether it’s the utterly beautiful and innovative use of color and storytelling in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs or the dreamy journey of mermaid Ariel, who longs to explore life above the sea, there is something about Disney World that enthralls us all. 

But have you ever considered bringing much-beloved characters into language learning? Ample evidence suggests that pairing some fun with education is an incredibly potent way to ensure maximum productivity. Let’s look at how you could bring Woody and Buzz into something as arduous as learning a new language to bring more joy and reap all the amazing benefits. 

Watching Movies in the Native Language

It goes without saying that learning while having fun should be just one activity on your long to-do list. If you’re serious about learning a new language, you should, first of all, work hard at college and, in outstanding situations, consult the WritingUniverse professional academic writing assistants to get the grades you need. Also, you should routinely practice the skill on your own, read a lot, and stick to your habits. Of course, if you also bring some joy to the process and watch Disney movies, all the better! 

You could greatly improve language comprehension and pronunciation by watching Disney movies where characters speak in their native language. If you’re studying French, watch “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” and if Spanish, “Coco.” The visual splendor and narrative sophistication in these movies are amazing, and as an added bonus, you’ll be immersed in the language, quickly gaining its deep feel and appreciation. You could also turn on subtitles to read, doubling your productivity simultaneously. 

It’s not only reading and writing that are intimately bound reading and viewing too. Combining these while studying has been shown time and again to aid in language learning. 

Disney Songs to Learn Vocabulary 

If you love music, listening to Disney songs attentively with the aim of learning the language should delight you. Disney songs are memorable and catchy, making them an ideal teaching aid for language learners. Why not listen to “Belle” from Beauty and the Beast if you’re learning French? Or “Circle Of Life” from the incredible Lion King if you’re studying English or Zulu! Disney songs are chock full of terminology that could enrich your language vocabulary. You could habitually listen to your favorite songs at home- this will provide amazing learning benefits and help you stay joyful throughout the day.

This engaging activity can help you associate new vocabulary with appealing tunes and lyrics, making recalling phrases easier. It’s great to use top translation services and one-of-a-kind language learning tools as an adult, but don’t forget to also often embrace your inner child and think of playful, fun, immersive ways to practice your skills. 

Role-Playing with Disney Characters 

Another great way to incorporate Disney characters into language learning is to role-play with your friends. This can be done in the classroom or at home. Engaging in imaginative plays is a great way to practice speaking skills as well as to skyrocket creativity. This activity is theatrical- you get to express your emotions, communicate, engage in the art, and simultaneously learning a new language. This is, without a doubt, one of the most valuable experiences you could add to your daily studying routine.

To ensure maximum results, stick to the habit, altering the games according to your ever-changing interests and staying motivated along the way. It goes without saying that the more imaginative you become while studying, the better your mastery of any language will be. 

Summing Up

Studying a new language is new knowledge in so many ways. Every language has its soul, so the whole new world opens up in front of your eyes, immersing you in a culture and instantly enriching your soul. And if you also happen to love Disney characters, you could merge the two and hone your skills while reveling in a pleasurable experience. 

Joanne Elliot is a high school teacher and blogger. Jane loves to incorporate engaging practices in her curricula to help students master new languages with unrivaled swagger and gusto. Joanne routinely contributes educational blog posts that readers always find inspirational and handy.