Incorporating Disney Magic into Classroom Curriculum


Over the years, most educational experts have discouraged tutors from allowing their students to watch films in class. It was thought that films distracted learners and made it difficult for them to achieve their academic goals. However, things have changed in the last couple of years. Today, most students are learning through Disney movies. Disney films are not only entertaining but also integrate important lessons about life such as friendship, death and loss, family, good vs evil and love to name a few. Discussing these lessons with your students will go a long way in improving their mental health and enhancing behavioral development. In this post, I am going to share a few effective tips that you can use to incorporate Disney Magic into the class curriculum.

Why integrate Disney Magic in class?

When it comes to education, movies are usually misunderstood. Most tutors believe that movies are addictive and harmful to a student’s learning process. Watching films is perceived to be a leisure activity by many people. However, various research studies have proved that these statements are false. As a college student, you need ample time to watch educational films and learn key concepts. If you have lots of assignments, you should consider investing in affordable essays for freshers to have enough time to watch educational Disney films. When you buy a cheap essay online, you’ll easily get good grades. Tutors should integrate Disney movies into their classes for the following reasons:

1.     Promotes understanding

When you use books and papers to teach complex concepts, your students will take time to understand them. For instance, history can be a challenging subject for some learners if they have to rely on books only to understand things. By integrating movies with regular tutoring, learners will understand concepts quickly and easily. Disney movies are appealing because they teach key concepts through an interesting story. Unlike reading a book, it’s not easy to forget an interesting story. Plus, it’s not easy for learners to get distracted while watching a good movie.

2.     Learning becomes fun

Regular classes can easily become monotonous and take a toll on learners. When lessons become boring, students usually have a hard time understanding concepts. Incorporating Disney movies will not only boost engagement but also increase motivation. When learners are interested in a particular subject, they’ll have an easy time understanding the concepts and improving their performance. As a tutor, you need to include movie sessions as a supplement to your tutoring and buy cheap academic papers to share with your students.

3.     Boosts memory performance

Repetition is one of the best methods that tutors can use to boost the memory of their learners. However, repeating a topic multiple times can be tiresome and boring for most learners. Instead of using repetition, tutors can have their students watch a Disney movie that relates to what they’ve been teaching. It’s easier for learners to watch an engaging movie multiple times without getting bored than attend multiple lectures.

4.     Helps learners become aware of certain issues

Most of the Disney films that you are going to watch are focused on addressing specific issues that exist in our modern society. These issues range from culture to finances. It can be difficult for tutors to have some of these conversations with their students. Movies are the best at creating awareness. Students will have an easy time understanding what is happening in the society. And what people go through every day. Films can help students learn more about important values in life.

How to incorporate Disney movies in class?

Here are a few tips that you can use to incorporate Disney movies in class:

  •       Let your students know the purpose of the film – Your students need to know why they’ll watch a particular movie in class. If you don’t prepare them early enough, they are going to be confused. And this will make it difficult for them to grasp the key concepts.
  •       Prepare in advance – As the tutor, you need to guide your students along the way. This means that you should have pre-viewing, during-viewing, and post-viewing activities in place. Preparing in advance will help learners focus on important themes and learn valuable lessons.
  •       Ensure that you have enough time – You need to know how long the movie is to prepare adequately. You should avoid ending the movie abruptly when the bell rings. Ensure that you’ve covered every important aspect before leaving the class.
  •       Allow learners to ask questions – After watching the movie with your students, you should allow them to ask any questions that they have in mind. By allowing them to ask questions, you’ll easily know what’s on their mind and whether they’ve grasped the most important concepts. If they haven’t, you should encourage them to re-watch it.


For a long time, students have been discouraged from watching movies in class or when working on their assignments. However, this has started changing because educational experts have discovered that most Disney movies have important themes that can help students understand key concepts. There are a lot of benefits that students get from watching educational films in class. Apart from watching films, students should get essay writing help online to have a plagiarism-free essay. By using the tips that we’ve covered here, tutors can easily incorporate films into the classroom curriculum.