Maximizing Your YouTube Views: Proven Strategies


Everything can be found on YouTube, whether it is related to food, fashion, documentaries, or even children’s poetry. With over 14 billion visits per month, it is still the most well-known social network for video sharing in the entire world.  

If you have launched a new YouTube channel and are struggling to gain more subscribers and views, don’t worry. Let me walk you over some fundamentals of YouTube and how you can eventually grow your views and subscribers with compelling videos! 

Understanding YouTube View Counts 

If you are a beginner, let us quickly go through some basic elements of YouTube. To start earning money through your YouTube videos, you have to reach 1,000 to 2,000 views per video. In order to monetize through YouTube’s partner programme, your channel must also receive at least 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 subscribers in the last 12 months. Hence, both the number of views and subscribers matter. 

What counts as a view? In simple terms, if a user watches your video for 30 seconds straight, it will count as one view. If you play your own video, you will get another view. If the same user clicks on your video multiple times, each screening will be counted as a new view. 

How To Make YouTube Videos 

Now that you understand how YouTube views work, let us get a brief idea of how you can make a video on YouTube. 

1.Plan Your Content

Planning the subject of the video is the first stage. Instead of filming without a screenplay, try to get yourself down and sketch out each scene you want to include in the video.  

2.Create A Script

The next step is to write your script. Keep the language simple and approachable if you want the audience to become more involved. Write a brief, straightforward script. You can always hire scriptwriters if you desire some expert-level content.  

3.Organize And Edit 

Organizing your scenes is a must. Before you press the record button, decide which parts will be animated, real-time, or live-action. Once finished, edit the videos and keep the scenes that the viewers will find most entertaining. 

4.Upload On YouTube

Now, you can upload your edited video to YouTube. While uploading, you can add a title, description, and tags. Use the appropriate keywords to make it easier for visitors to find your videos. 

Top Ways To Get More Youtube Views

While opening a YouTube channel is not much of a big deal, you need a healthy number of subscribers and views to expand and monetize your content. If you are wondering how to get more YouTube views, the easiest way is to buy views and subscribers. It will jumpstart your channel and make it simple to draw viewers.  

However, let us talk about more organic ways of growing your views and subscribers to help you build a permanent subscriber base on YouTube. 

1.Invest In High-Quality Videos 

The best way to attract views on a video-sharing social platform is to create high-quality videos. We don’t only mean purchasing a high-quality camera and equipment when we say to invest in high-quality videos. Your video will be of high quality only when you study your audience and interact with them through your videos.  

You can create such content by adding punchy intros, attractive music, images, and interesting storytelling tactics.  

2.Sharpen Your Specific Niche 

To maximise your YouTube marketing plan, you must be very explicit about your goals. You cannot make videos about everything and attract all kinds of viewers. For instance, you can either be a gamer or a cooking expert on YouTube.  

Once you’ve chosen a niche for the channel in which you specialise, subscribers will start pouring in, bringing steady views.  

3.Optimize Video’s Search Ranking 

One of the top strategies for getting more views on YouTube is by utilizing SEO tools. Simply put, if you employ keywords that are optimised for search engines in your videos, your video will appear higher in search results on YouTube.  

Hence, you need to know what your audience is looking for and what keywords they are using. You can use any keyword planner tool to look for the keywords most used by your target audience and use them in your videos.  

4.Make Engaging Thumbnails 

Instead of letting YouTube snag a screenshot of your video as a thumbnail, create your own and customize it. One of the best strategies to get views, even from unsubscribed people, is to have captivating thumbnails.   

Thumbnails don’t have to be too creative or out of the world. As long as your thumbnail looks clickable and is not clickbait, the audience will find it appealing. Add good images and short pointers, but don’t make it too crowded.   

5.Run Youtube Giveaways 

If you run out of ideas or go through a crisis, the best way to keep up your channel is by running contests or giveaways. Viewers love such things and will boost activity on your channel right away. You can giveaway gifts related to your own brand or collaborate with other associations.  

Ask people to like, subscribe, and comment on your videos and channel to keep your giveaways achievable. However, be aware of all the YouTube policies before you run a contest.  


In conclusion, if you want to get more views and subscribers to your YouTube channel, you have to go out of the box and invest your time and energy. However, new ideas will start pouring in once you start studying your audience. Just keep trying, and don’t give up!