The Educational Value of Disney Films: Analyzing the Lessons Taught in Disney Movies and Their Impact on Children’s Development


As long as there is a story, there is a moral and a lesson that is being taught. The main purpose is to go beyond mere entertainment and find the value and a moral lesson in what’s being heard and seen. Fortunately, it has always been true for Disney films that have stood on the frontline of good values and adherence to kindness, sincerity, honesty, and staying true to who you are. What makes Disney films unique is their focus on storytelling, where the community spirit tends to unite people of all social backgrounds, genders, races, and cultures. Combining accessibility with genuine care and clever screenplays, Disney movies have played a major role in children’s development across many generations. 

The Educational Value of Disney Films: Analysis of Lessons Taught in Disney Movies

– Community Spirit and Group Work. 

If we take a look at Robin Hood or Mulan, we might see a single hero whose example works wonders. Still, if we take time to explore things deeper, we shall see the value of community work and cooperation, where friendship shows that we should be there for each other. It’s a reason why so many school kids are asked to write compositions on friendship and the importance of group work. Now, if you find it challenging, consider checking GrabMyEssay as a great option for getting a bit of friendly help! Remember that it’s only good to ask for help when you need it to show your best! 

– Self-Identity. 

Many Disney movies focus on the importance of being who you are and adjusting yourself when and if it’s necessary. A good example is Aladdin, where we can see how love changes a person and helps to make correct moral choices. Another example that helps children learn and develop is Pinocchio, where the young audience always appears in front of a moral dilemma through the eyes of a protagonist. 

– Overcoming Loss and Hardships. 

Starting from the classics like Cinderella to Lion King and Bambi, many children recall these movies as their first cinematic encounters with death and loss. Many also state that these movies have helped them later on as they dealt with actual sorrowful issues. While many things may have been translated differently across various cultures, you can check up with TheWordPoint to ensure that you have a good chance of comparing translated content to the original script. If your child is learning a foreign language, Disney movies can also be used to work on specific subtitles or additional information regarding film critique or any other material. Likewise, take time to learn how different the translation of Disney films has been across the world! 

The Value of Friendship. 

One of the most prominent examples where the role of meeting new people and making friends is explored is Tarzan. While it’s a classic story, it remains relevant across generations and speaks true to every culture, depending on what film translation you might be exploring. The dialogues, the building of special character traits, and avoiding being the loner help many modern kids find peace as they leave their comfort zone and learn to be there for others by showing their best qualities and skills. 

The Value of Animated Disney Movies 

The majority of animated movies by Disney also play an essential role as they help to teach children about overcoming those issues that may be hard to discuss otherwise. It is a reason why Disney films often combine animation with life lessons about staying true to what you believe in, overcoming the loss of someone you love, and the importance of always staying true and honest. As children may often become mentally locked and avoid communication in any form, animated movies help them develop correctly, find inner strength, communicate, and learn as they watch movies and explore. 


Joanne Elliot grew up with Disney movies and the important lessons she learned as a child and young adult. Growing up to become an educator and content analyst, Joanne loves to write and share positive messages. Follow Joanne to find inspiration and discover the best ways to learn.