The Road To Instagram Influence: Follower Count Matters


In the realm of social media right now, nothing is more popular than Instagram. From marketing your talent to showcasing your creativity, Instagram can give your brand an efficient reach with its two billion active users every month. However, to gain such influence, the follower count on Instagram matters. A vast follower base is the only way to allow your content to reach a wider audience. 

Instagram can be more challenging than other social media sites in terms of growing your following. So let’s look at why it’s important to grow your following and how you can do it to differentiate yourself from other creators.

5 Benefits Of Greater Follower Count On Instagram

Visibility And Engagement

If you have an influential follower count on Instagram, you will save half your energy on promoting your content and creativity. Even a single post can boost your profile’s visibility and interaction and draw more attention. 

You will have better chances of ranking higher on the search and explore tabs, along with increased features in the home feed. 

Greater Credibility

To make your account look more legit and authentic, a large follower count will help. Users will find it more reliable if they see a substantial number of followers and will begin actively engaging with your account.

Users will start taking your content more seriously and will not hesitate to trust your business. A significant number of followers will also aid in building a devoted fan base that will attest to the future credibility of your brand. 

Better Influence

If you are trying to influence a targeted audience, having a good follower count will help bring in more interactions and engagement. The higher the follower count, the greater your influence. 

The message of your content will be amplified and transmitted more effectively to a global audience if you have a large number of followers. It will also lead to more significant feedback and the growth of professional connections with other influential brands. 

More Followers

Once you start growing your follower count, it will not stop. Having a great follower count will make other users curious and allow them to follow you. If you have a loyal follower base, several will begin following only to find out what your content is all about. 

Hence, a large follower count has the potential to attract more followers, leading to more engagement, promotion, and visibility. Most importantly, your account will begin to expand organically with real users.

Minimised Promotional Cost

Most businesses need to opt for paid promotional posts only to increase their visibility. They have to promote their individual posts by factoring in some budgetary options. However, if you have a greater follower count, you will save both time and money. 

At absolutely no cost, your active and large follower count will do the promotion that your content needs. Just small actions like “Share It On Your Facebook Feed” will make your followers cross-post your content and increase your page awareness. 

How To Increase Instagram Follower Count

To get Instagram famous and promote your brand efficiently, the easiest route is to buy real Instagram followers. You can buy followers from authentic sites that will make your journey more relaxing and fun. 

However, let us talk about some organic ways of increasing your follower count to make your presence on Instagram permanent. 

A Strong Value Proposition

Whenever we enter a shop, we like to know its core and understand what it sells. The same thing goes for your account. 

The moment a user clicks on your profile, they should have a clear idea of what you are promoting. It can be inspirational quotes, fashion tips, or even cooking tips. The important thing is to keep your values straight and clear.

Utilization Of SEO

For a long time, only hashtags and usernames were used for searching on the Explore page. But lately, Instagram has introduced the use of keywords. Hence, now is the time to utilise search engine-optimized captions. 

Posting content with SEO captions will increase your discoverability. By using relevant keywords, you will also make things easier for users and help them find your account without any hassle. 

Stable Posting Schedule

If you truly want to grow your Instagram follower count, stability and consistency are the principles. You can make use of a social media scheduler to plan out your content and posting time. 

Such consistency will help get more eyes on your account and lead to a spike in traffic. You must also focus on the best time to post. In 2023, the best engagement comes around 4 AM (local time across time zones). 

Collaboration With Other Creators

Collaborating with other influential creators will definitely help increase your account’s reach. You will benefit from the co-creator by attracting their followers, and vice versa. It is a win-win game that you must engage in. 

You can also work with brand associations to increase your follower count. Keep it simple and mutual without factoring too much money into the promotional posts. 


In conclusion, increasing your follower count may not seem easy, but it is not impossible. The faster you grow your follower count, the better will be your experience on the most popular social media platform of this generation.