Things You Must Know About Japanese And Philippines Culture

Japanese And Philippines Culture

Each country has a unique culture that distinguishes it from other countries. The way we lead our lives and the way we celebrate different occasions defines culture. Some cultures are the amalgamation of old and new traditions that make them more beautiful. Japan’s culture is one of them. On the contrary, Philippine culture is a blend of Filipino and Spanish Catholic traditions that are greatly influenced by America and other parts of Asia. Are you curious to know about Japanese and Philippines culture? For understanding these cultures, you must take the assistance of a professional translation agency. This is because you can get the best insight into the culture in the native languages.


Japanese citizens greet by bowing to each other. They mostly bow to elders to give them respect. In their culture, bowing is a sign to show respect and make apologies. They greet each other by saying I am at home and welcome home and in many interactions where they meet people. On the contrary, in the Philippines, people hug their friends and Kiss (Beso-beso) upon meeting their male friends. They also do handshakes and tap their backs. Filipino people also smile and wave while greeting each other. When they greet elders, they lay their foreheads on the back of the hand of the elders to give them respect. 

In Japan, people greet others by their last names. Whereas in the Philippines, they use surnames to address each other. If you are planning to visit Japan then you must take assistance from Japanese translation services to know how they greet each other. By greeting, you can give first impressions of yours. Therefore, it is very essential to understand how people greet each other in the country that you visit. 


Japanese use chopsticks for eating food whereas Filipinos use spoons and a fork. They prefer eating with chopsticks because it is lacquerware and more friendly to use than other utensils. Moreover, Japanese food is much healthier than Filipino food. They use fresh fruits, broth-based soups, and lots of veggies. In contrary to this, the Philippines eat oily and greasy food and lots of dried pork. To find healthier options for your visit to the Philippines, Filipino translation services are of great help. The important thing to note is that Japanese people consume more fruits than Filipinos. Japanese and Filipino people give great importance to food presentation. Compared to Japanese people, Filipinos decorate the food occasionally. 


In marriage ceremonies in Japan, the bride wears Kimono and the groom wears Hakama according to their Japanese traditions. The tea party is arranged for the groom and bride with a special tea set. It is the cultural function of a tea party for newly married couples. Last but not least, traditional Japanese weddings are held in the Shinto Shrines. 

In the Philippines, weddings are held in a modern Western wedding style. Both the groom and bride wear suits and gowns. After the marriage, the couple releases the flock of doves in the sky. According to them, it is the omen of peace and harmony for the newlywed couple. Moreover, brides also throw bouquets in the air. It is believed that the one who catches the bouquet will be married next. Weddings in the Philippines are held in Churches because most Filipinos are Christians. 

Working Culture 

Do you know that many global companies such as Amazon and Facebook have ten thousand employees working around the globe? In comparison to the Philippines, Japan is tackling a more diverse workforce. To accommodate the diverse workforce, they take the assistance of translation services. For instance, if they have hired talent from Vietnam then they have to go for Vietnamese translation services.

Filipino managers are team workers, They focus on enhancing the team spirit of the corporation. Moreover, they also work on enhancing their careers. 

Japanese employees like to hang out with friends after working hours. In both countries, people work for longer hours. Japan is one of the countries that are notorious for long working hours. Unfortunately, people in Japan also died because of long working hours. This phenomenon is called karoshi. The meaning of Karoshi is death by overwork. Additionally, Japanese workers take half of the vacations around the year and the workers that consume all the holidays get guilty of taking time off from the work. 

Wrapping Up 

From every culture, we can learn good things. Both the Philippines and Japanese cultures teach us how to respect elders and be hospitable. Moreover, Japanese food is healthy and Japanese people are very hard-working. We should learn these good things and try to implement them in our country’s culture. Which culture do you like most Philippines or Japanese?