What is Motion Graphics, and When To Use Them?


In 2022, Instagram will have more than one billion users, and each user will spend an average of 28 minutes daily on the platform. 

More than a hundred million pieces of content are published daily on this site alone. This implies that there will be more stuff for Instagram users to peruse (and swipe through) as time goes on.

But how do we prioritize when time is so short? As a result, the algorithmic feed was developed to prioritize the most interesting posts and display highly interesting material such as this:

Within milliseconds of seeing anything in our feed, our brain decides whether or not to pay attention to it. If your material isn’t interesting within the first few seconds, your audience is likely to ignore it. 

Unfortunately, this means it will likely be buried by the algorithm in the feeds of other users, making it invisible to the vast majority of your audience.

But we won’t be discussing Instagram’s secretive algorithm or the perils of social media today. Specifically, we’ll be discussing the intense rivalry for your attention.

Adding visual elements like movies, animations, and motion graphics is a big part of why we’re having this conversation first: to help you create more compelling content.

More than 84% percent of Instagram postings in the feed are videos. There’s a good reason for this: videos receive 38% more comments and shares than image-only postings.

In this piece, you will learn about motion graphic videos, when to use it and some notable exmaples.

So, stay tuned! Let’s start from the beginning.

The Definition of Motion Graphics

Perhaps you’re thinking, “What exactly is motion graphics?”

One category of animation is known as “motion graphics.” It’s kind of like a cross between cartoons and posters.

The primary objective of most motion graphics projects is to convey meaning via the use of visuals and moving text.

Voice-over narration is commonly used in motion graphics videos to assist the audience in following along with the visuals and the animated text.

Not understanding yet? We can use some music to assist us. Have you ever seen a music video where the singer’s words were obscured by writing? I guess you could call that a motion graphic video.

When Should You Use Motion Graphics?

One of the main goals of motion graphics is to provide information visually so that the viewer can grasp it with greater ease.

Consider all possible economic sectors. All of them, without exception, can improve their effectiveness in getting their words through with the help of motion graphics.

Think about all the times you tried to enter a password into a form only to have it bounce and turn red. As soon as you entered the erroneous password, you knew something was wrong. This is also referred to as “motion graphics,” my buddy.

Since computer animation has become more widely used and cheaper, the two terms can now be clearly distinguished.

These days, motion graphics have their own visual style, and bold hues are the norm. Motion graphics also frequently lack outlines for the sake of simplicity.

Moreover, most of the animation studios offer motion graphic services. So, either you can hire them or use any online tool to create one.

Using motion graphics is a great way to improve audience engagement. Anyone with the skills to operate it may convey a powerful message via the use of music, animated visuals, and text.

The fundamental principle of motion graphics is that all video components (including words, pictures, and music or voice-over narration) must interact and flow naturally.

The video should make the audience care about the subject instead of merely hearing it. It’s crucial to provide meaning to motion graphics.

Motion graphics’ mix of graphic design and animation makes them ideal for commercial and client-driven projects.

Keeping the quantity of text to a minimum is also crucial for a high-quality motion graphics video. What I mean is, chill out! Do not expect a PowerPoint presentation.

Remember that people tend to zero in on one part of a page (whether text or an image) and ignore the rest. 

You should think about whether or not the parts that make up your motion graphics video are designed to keep people watching.

But let’s be clear about something: motion graphics is not something brand new that you’ve stumbled across. On the other hand, there were some very remarkable instances of motion graphics even as far back as 1959.

Exactly, it’s a VHS video designed to teach kids math. This video features Donald Duck playing pool on what appears to be a table with painted lines.

On the other hand, we have 2022 to thank for drastically simplifying the process of generating motion graphics videos.

In this mobile-first, fast-data age, more and more businesses are turning to moving pictures to draw attention to their wares.

When it comes to cost, motion graphics pricing is comparatively less when compared to other animation styles because its easier to make. 

So, this was all about what motion graphics is and when it can be used. Now let’s check out some examples.

6 Motion Graphics Examples You Should Checkout 

Do you wish to view some of our favorite examples of motion graphics?

1. Adidas x Stella McCartney

Even globally recognized businesses such as Adidas appear to have become aware of the advantages that motion graphics videos can provide.
In this case, motion graphics are used to show the sport’s magic.

Adidas x Stella McCartney from Labmeta on Vimeo.

2. Where Do Ideas Come From

We are all left wanting more after viewing the project completed by this School of Visual Arts student.
An intangible proposition, such as thoughts and the source of those ideas, becomes material and fluid due to form and color. In the video, they mention that “you may always find something to be inspired by,” and this is very true.

3. IKEA – Light is important

Even a straightforward commercial about thunder and lightning may be conveyed in such a manner as to give the impression that it is part of a tale that we want to continue watching.
Motion graphics are an excellent and creative method to enable your audience to become familiar with the aesthetic of your business.

4. Nike – Vapormax Mesh

There are times when the characteristics of a brand are difficult to visualize. It’s likely that Nike’s creative team was huddled around a large table discussing ways to demonstrate how light and flexible their products are.
And someone at that meeting with a brilliant mind came up with the solution, which was motion graphics.

5. Instagram Motion Graphics Video

This one doesn’t really call for that much of an explanation, does it? If Instagram is using it, then there’s no reason you shouldn’t give it a shot, either.

6. BBC Three Rebrand

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) started delivering news from all over the world through a variety of platforms; consequently, the company has decided to highlight its rebranding with a graphic motion video.

The Bottom Line

So, this was all about what motion graphics are, when to use them, and some examples you can take as inspiration.
If you are ready to jump on this bandwagon then you can always hire the best motion graphics studios and companies for your project as they have the right experience and can create fine-quality motion graphics videos for you.
Concluding this topic was a challenging task as there’s a lot about motion graphics that we can talk about, but for today it’s enough.
We hope this write-up will be of great help to you.