What to pack for your perfect Disney holiday


For literally generations of families, a trip to Disney World is a long held dream that is saved up for over many months and years. 

So the time has finally come. Your flights, hotel rooms and resort tickets are booked. Your children are reaching fever pitch excitement. Now is the time to turn your thoughts to your suitcases, and what you are going to pack to make the best of your time there.

Comfortable shoes

Your entire family needs to take several pairs of comfortable shoes with them – shoes which you know are suitable for walking long distances. Avoid bringing brand new shoes or walking boots which you haven’t yet broken in – the last thing you want to develop is painful blisters which will mar the entire trip for you. 

Wet weather gear

Whether you’re aiming to go to the more inclement Paris Disney World, or the definitely warmer ones in the States, you would be wise to pack some wet weather gear. You only want it to be thin, as temperatures may still be warm, but you do want it to be waterproof. 

Fortunately, wet weather gear technology has advanced to such a degree that you can purchase lightweight items that can be folded down into small, unobstructive parcels that can sit at the bottom of your daypack, which means you are not lugging around big thick coats unnecessarily. 

Also, if you have small children and are using a pushchair, don’t forget to pack the rainproof cover, which will keep your little one dry and protected from any rain. 

Hot weather gear

Who can predict the weather these days. A squally shower can quickly give way to blistering heat, so learning how to pack for all occasions is important. The best technique is to go for light, breathable layers which allow your skin to breath and which can be discarded and packed away without them being heavy to carry. 

An essential item in your hot weather gear is sun protection. You will be spending a lot of time outside, so if you are (un)fortunate enough to be fulfilling your Disney dream during a particularly hot period, make sure you slaver on the cream and prevent getting yourself burnt.

A dressy outfit for a special occasion

Your Disney holiday may be a family affair, but that doesn’t mean to say that you won’t want to get dressed up for a special occasion of an evening. As a family, you can make sure you have at least one outfit that can be considered your ‘best bib and tucker,’ accessorized with your favorite men’s bracelets, women’s earrings, and children’s necklaces – all with a Disney theme of course!  

Phones and mobile chargers

One thing you will absolutely want to do is to capture every possible memory to enjoy again and again – it has probably taken you a long time to save for and plan this trip, so you want to make sure you extract every possible ounce of joy out of it – and you can do that by recording those special moments.

To this end, you want to make sure that you have plenty of memory on your phone, as well as a backup battery charger. The last thing you want is to see your battery flashing down to its last few per cent before powering off. Not only will this leave you without access to tickets, maps, and any form of communication, but your camera will be gone too!

Emergency supplies

Travelling with children you need to be prepared for anything – make sure you have a good supply of tissues (wet and dry), antiseptic wipes, band aids, emergency snacks for hungry tummies – anything that will keep your little ones happy and focused on the brilliant experience that is Disney World!