Biking in Scottsdale This Summer, 2022


The League of American Bicyclists has designated Scottsdale, Arizona, as a Gold-Level Bicycle Friendly Community. This means that not only does the community encourage residents to bike for both recreation and transportation, but it also provides safe accommodation in which to do so. Scottsdale even encourages businesses to become more bicycle-friendly through its Friend of Bicycles program. Businesses benefit by attracting more customers who ride bikes. If you live in Scottsdale and do not currently ride a bike, now is a perfect opportunity to get into it. If you are looking for a bike-friendly community to relocate to, Scottsdale may be just what you are looking for.

Bike Riding Opportunities in Scottsdale

Scottsdale is a big retirement community, and bike riding is an activity you can do at any age. Finding the best bicycles for seniors makes things easier. Once you are properly equipped, you can check out the city’s extensive bike trail system. There are many minor trails, such as the trail along the Arizona Canal in Nature Park and the desert botanical trail at Florence Ely Nelson Desert Park. The McDowell Sonoran Preserve contains over 120 miles of bike trails. There are trails within the preserve suitable for all experience levels, including the Brown’s Ranch Corral Loop for beginners and the Taliesin and Quartz Trail Loop for intermediate riders.

Ride in Style With an Electric Trike

An e tricycle resembles an e-bicycle except that it has three wheels instead of two. It offers some significant advantages over its two-wheeled counterpart. For example, the space between the two back wheels can be used for cargo, which is helpful if you are using it to run errands, such as grocery shopping, around town. Another benefit of an electric tricycle is that it is easier to maintain your balance, which may be of particular benefit to the elderly.

Nevertheless, it may take a little time and practice to learn how to maneuver an electric trike properly. This is especially true if you are used to riding a bicycle as the handling is a little bit different. You may need to practice in a safe area to get your bearings before you take your electric tricycle out on the road or on the trails.

Senior Living in the Heat

The heat in Scottsdale is both a major attraction and a potential detriment. During the winter, the warm temperatures are pleasant, especially compared to more frigid conditions to the north. In the summertime, hot temperatures can be oppressive, even with low humidity levels. Senior citizens can be especially susceptible to heat-related illnesses.

High temperatures and advanced age don’t have to prevent you from riding your bicycle, but you should take some precautions to stay safe. For example, try to avoid riding your bike during the hottest hours of the day, which are usually between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Carry water with you to stay hydrated, let someone know where you are going before you leave, and learn to recognize the signs of heat sickness, which include dizziness, headache, rapid pulse, and muscle cramps.

Electric bikes and trikes can make riding easier and safer. Shop online retailers for women’s bikes for sale and much more.