Can You Take Food Into Disney World From Outside

Can You Take Food Into Disney World From Outside

Disney World is full of surprises, but, unfortunately, Disney World is also full of regulations. So, often guests ask this question- can you take food into Disney World? While many guests prefer to dine inside the theme parks or dining areas, others don’t choose that option.

Dining inside Disney World can be costly, so if you pack some food for you and your family, you can save a lot of trouble like reservations, waiting in lines, and others.

So, here is our guide to the insides of Disney World and the materials you can carry inside the park.

Disney World allows its guests to bring foods and non-alcoholic beverages. So, let’s have a closer look at what their policy has to offer.

The answer to whether you can take food into Disney World is affirmative. Yes, you can bring food and water inside Disney World.

However, the policy of Disney World regarding food items is that the items should be solely for self-consumption. Moreover, it shouldn’t have a pungent odor.

Items shouldn’t be in any glass container. Those should also not require special temperature conditions such as heating, cooling, or processing.

Along with this, if you are asking the question can you take food and drinks into the Disney World, you should know another thing. Any security member should be aware that you are bringing food with you.

So, if you are still wondering can you take food to Disney World, here is a list of your do’s and don’ts regarding food items.

Items that are allowed

Here are things you can bring to Disney World:

Types of solid food

It is recommended that you bring sandwiches which don’t require any heating conditions. Also, the food items you aim to bring shouldn’t emit any pungent odor.


Even if you don’t want to save money by not dining inside the theme parks, you might still want to pack some snacks to uplift your mood on long trails.

You can pack some fruits or maybe a granola bar in your sling bag or backpack, and Disney World also allows these inside the parks.

Can You Take Food Into Disney World From Outside


If you prefer any beverages other than water, you can take them inside the parks. However, that should be strictly non-alcoholic.

There is an abundance of water taps inside the parks, which are free. So, you may or may not carry water with you. However, we will later come to the question, can you bring water into Disneyland or Disney World.


You can bring your coolers. However, that shouldn’t exceed the size limit of 8″ x 25″ x 37″. You can even keep that at storage lockers distributed all through the parks.

Food items that are not allowed

If you are still wondering can you take food into Disney World, here is a list of foods which you cannot take inside the parks:


Alcohols are a strict no-no item inside Disney World. You can get them inside several dining locations, but you are strictly prohibited from bringing any of them inside.

Glass Bottles

Another major item that is banned inside Disney World is plastic. So, even if you carry water bottles, you cannot carry glass bottles with you.

Loose ice

As we have said earlier, carrying a cooler of a certain size is perfectly alright, but you can under no means carry loose ice with you. However, if you carry them in a ziplock bag, you can take them inside.

So, this is the list of answers to the question of what can you bring into Disney World.

What do most people do?

Most of our decisions are guided by what our neighbors or community is doing, so is the answer to can you bring food into Disney.

Well, jokes apart, it is most likely that you want to know what the other guests do when carrying food inside the parks.

While no generalizations can be made regarding this, usually, evidence and statistics suggest that guests do not prefer to bring food to Disney World.

It is not because the question of whether you can take food and drinks into Disney World is negative.

Instead, they prefer to explore the spectrum of dining options available within Disney World. If you are vegan or have special dietary conditions, you will not be at a loss inside Disney World. They have nearly all varieties of food and dining options.

However, bringing some savory sandwiches and your bottle of water to the premises is natural. So, if that is convenient, you can carry them inside Disney World, barring the restricted food items.

Can You Take Food Into Disney World From Outside

Why would you want to bring your food inside Disney World

Despite the several mind-blowing dining spots inside Disney World, there are some advantages of bringing your food to Disney World. Let’s discuss some of those perks:


One of the most important reasons for bringing your food and drinks inside Disney World is that it will help you cut your budget.

Food inside the exotic walls of dining restaurants in Disney World is pretty expensive. So, it is advisable that enjoy the experience of roaming around Disney World while munching on your food.

If you are not using Disney Dining Plan, the minimum amount you will spend on food in a day is $50 on family lunches.

The Mickey Waffle breakfasts will not delight you financially, so you should bring your sandwiches or cakes for breakfasts.

You can even have breakfast in any of your favorite restaurants, and then have your lunch and snacks. However, having your lunch at a restaurant is better because if you are not a morning person, attending breakfast can be difficult. They also do not have a very lucrative cancellation policy. So, the choice is yours.

However, the best time to spend on an expensive meal is dinner time. After roaming all around the park, you might want to get back to a good dinner platter.

Special dietary needs

While Disney has most of it covered regarding special dietary needs or restrictions, the options are very expensive. However, they have a wide range of vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, halal, and allergy-free options.

However, still, you might decide to bring your food because often, in these items, customizations might not be available as per your choices.

Maybe you have a list of food without which you can’t survive. Maybe you have just started following a strict diet and don’t want to tamper with that immediately.

In these cases, it is best to carry your supplies with you as long as they are within the food policies of the park.

Grocery deliveries

Staying at Disney World Resort hotels might be costly, but it has its perks. If you are running out of grocery items and need some at your doorstep, the grocery services now available at the Disney Resort Hotels can serve you best.

The question can you take food into Disney World thus includes an answer that caters to your grocery needs.

Grocery providers including Amazon Prime Now, WeGoShop, Instacart, and Garden Grocer will deliver you the ordered grocery items upon payment of a small fee.

Once they have done the shopping on your behalf, they will deliver the items to Bell Services.

Bell Services, then, can either directly send the items to your room on payment of $5, or you can make the effort of coming to the lobby and collecting the items.

So, if you decide to buy snacks once you are inside the parks, these options can help you.


After cost-effectiveness, another thing that taking food inside the park does is save time. There are many policies and procedures for booking dining reservations at restaurants.

See, if you are going for quick service meals and not table-service meals, it is better you carry your food. Either way, you are not opting for getting the particular vibe of dining inside a Disney restaurant. So, why pay the extra bucks on quick service meals.

Moreover, the steps include advance dining reservations, waiting for your turn, and finally sitting at the table and having your meal.

So, maybe in your four-day trip, you will have to devote an entire day to the dining experience. If you are not willing to miss out on other sites seeing opportunities, you should take your food inside the park premises.

Snacks are important

Let’s say you have absolutely no interest in saving money by erasing dining out from your to-do list. But, still, everyone has the knack of having a snack while walking at a favorite dream spot. So, if you take your snacks, it will make everyone happy.

Is it worth it?

The question can you take food into Disney World now gets a mate. Is it even worth taking the food inside? The answer is yes. If you want to save money and time, nothing can be a better option than this!

Can you bring water bottles inside Disney World?

If you have gotten your answer to can you take food into Disney World, here comes our next question in the lot. Can you bring water bottles into Disney World?

Water is a permissible item both in Disneyland and Disney World. Even if both the locations have an abundance of water taps, still, many people are very particular about the source of drinking water. So, you can very well carry water inside the parks.

However, one thing that you should keep in mind is that plastic is not allowed. So, if you want to save yourself from the scorching heat, and keep yourself dehydrated, carry reusable water bottles.

Glass bottles, mugs, or cups are not allowed inside the park premises. Moreover, you can also refill the water bottles from the water fountains for free.

The newest ones are at Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Café. At least Disney World has spared the very basic need of charging!

You can even halt at any water station scattered across Disney World. If you hover around the restrooms, you will catch one. You can find the restrooms using a directory on the Disney World app.

Also, if you have decided to eat somewhere, you can get complimentary drinking water cups. Now, let’s discuss some factual questions regarding carrying water bottles inside.

Many guests often seem to ask the question of whether they are allowed to carry metal water bottles or not.

Well, the answer is yes, they are the perfect fit. Even some types of plastic bottles are allowed. But, you can in no way bring glass water wares inside the parks as they are extremely hazardous.

However, you should take insulated water bottles, which will keep the water cool and solace to the throat on a hot day!

How much does water cost at Disney World?

So, if you go for these options, you can save the bucks required for buying a water bottle inside Disney World.

However, the ideal amount to spend on water if you are not carrying that with you is $2.50 to $4.00. Thus, you should carry your water inside the parks.

Final Thought

So, this article will help you find the answer to whether you can take food into Disney World. If you are satisfied with the information, start packing your bags and don’t forget to pack your favorite foods in them!