How to write an analysis essay about The Lion King


Written tasks are common assignments almost for any course and any discipline. Students who get assigned essays on topics unfamiliar to them often need assistance and new ideas. The best way to ensure that your paper will be compelling and exciting is by ordering professional essay help. We recommend considering one of the best sites to write your college essays Essay Shark. Turn to authors with experience creating essays and dive into the ocean of stress relief. Our article will be helpful to students who are looking for effective tips on writing an analytical paper about The Lion King.


What is an analysis essay?

Let us begin with defining what an analysis essay is. This paper usually contains detailed analyses of a topic and contextualizes the subject’s summary. Writing such papers aims to provide readers with essential basics of the subject. Teachers who assign students to write an analytical essay can define do students have analytical skills and how they can comprehensively investigate a stated topic. There is a difference between analytical essays and descriptive essays. An analytical essay provides arguments and evidence that support the stated facts of an outer. Descriptive essays give a summary of the subject; for example, it could be a synopsis of a film.

Analysis papers can be created on different disciplines and topics, such as music, cinema, animated movies, art books, novels, current events, politics, philosophy, history, and other areas. However, an analytical essay is a standard task given to students in colleges and universities the pieces of this type also can appear in magazines, journals, newspapers, etc.

Read more about how to write an analytical essay about Lion King below. Professional writers provide these tips using their experience in creating excellent essays.


Get an instruction

Ask a teacher for detailed manuals that provide the requirements for writing an analytical essay. Remember to clarify such points as deadline, suggested topic, formatting style, tone of voice, list of sources (if any), and other significant data. You will surely economize precious time and get a clear roadmap through comprehensive instruction.


Choose a central point of view

One of Disney’s most famous animated films, The Lion King, has millions of fans worldwide. When it comes to essays about animated movies, a lot depends on the audience and the discipline you are studying. Assuming this criterion, you should start by watching a movie and generating your central point of view. If you consider looking at the lion King from different scopes, you can choose one of the following points. For example, you can talk about the representation of race. In this film, Disney has an opportunity to present races above stereotypes that were widespread in the 20th century when the movie was created. The presentation of gender is also an exciting point of view regarding The Lion King. The main idea represents the patriarchy in a family because all rulers over pride rock were males. In The Lion King, masculinity and femininity are seen traditionally as it was in Western culture at that time.


Create an outline 

After you generate the central idea and decide how to analyze The Lion King animated movie, you can start structuring your essay before creating the first draft. It would be best if you represented the main thesis in the opening part of the paper, which is an introduction. Try to engage readers and make them wish to read your essay to the end. When you proceed with writing the body of the paper, consider the instructions you received from a teacher and plan proper paragraphs. Usually, analytical essays are about 800-1000 words at least. If you need more information, add some highlights about the synopsis of this animated movie at the beginning of the main body. When it comes to an analytical essay, planning each body paragraph is crucial. So take time to outline and structure the paper. The final part of an essay will be a conclusion that must highlight the core ideas of your analyses and recall the strong approval of the central point of view.


Write the first draft 

Now when you briefly outlined and structured an analysis essay about The Lion King, dig deeper into the topic and organize each paragraph of the body. Remember that each body paragraph must recall the central point of view and support the evidence that proves your points. Provide background on the subject to explain why you find the main point of view significant. All topic sentences must be clear and cohesive.


Find comprehensive pieces of evidence

When your first draft is ready, you can dig deeper into the topic and find more evidence. Add the body with more ideas to support the central statement and convince your audience that your opinions are correct. For example, depending on the main thesis, you need to turn to a synopsis of The Lion King and add some points that prove your points are correct.


Consider opposite opinion 

The content of your analysis essay will be more effective if you consider opposing viewpoints. Look for ideas that do not correlate with your central idea. The goal of adding opposite views to an analytical essay is to contrast your points and opinions. Using opposite opinions wisely can make it a piece of additional evidence that proves and strengthens your thesis.


Pay attention to a conclusion

The final paragraph of an analytical essay is vital because such papers must give your audience complete and detailed information about the topic. You do not have to add something some new facts in conclusion. Instead, it would help if you considered reinstating your main points and adding some final words to discuss the subject.



Now you know what an analytical essay is and how to write an analysis essay about The Lion King. We recommend you always consider the manuals of a teacher. The best way to start your essay is to generate the main idea. Analysis essays require patient structuring and drafting. Pay attention to each paragraph and add ample evidence. Consider the opposite opinion on the topic to highlight or contrast your statements. Good luck!