How Yoga Boosts Up Your Mental Health?


“An empty mind is a devil’s workshop”- as the saying goes. We all know that an empty mind gives impetus to all the negativities and depressions which harms people around us. To make our mind healthy we need to practice meditation as well as put emphasis on breathing practices by doing breathing exercises. This reduces anxiety and depression.

Let’s get the Idea of Yoga

Yoga has its origin in ancient Indian philosophy which has its own distinct emphasis regarding physical postures and exercise, breathing techniques, deep relaxation, stretching, asanas and meditation practices. There are different schools where a person can go in order to practice Yoga and calm the mind. You can say, the application of Yoga is a therapeutic practice which has various benefits both on your physical as well as your mental state. It helps increase the person’s physical flexibility, coordination, consciousness, and brings calmness in one’s life. It helps you to focus your mind to develop greater awareness and diminish anxiety. This results in a higher quality of life.

Yoga and Mental Health

Improves mood

All exercise can boost your mood by lowering levels of stress hormones, increasing the production of feel-good hormones which are also known as endorphins, and brings more oxygenated blood to your brain. But yoga has enhanced benefits on your mood as it helps in secreting a brain chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid which is associated with better mood and decreased anxiety. Meditation also reduces activity of the part of the brain which is associated with emotions. As your emotional reactivity diminishes, you have a stronger response when faced with stressful situations. Often it is seen that some people take the help of drugs, alcohol, stress relieving medicines to reduce stress and anxiety in their life but with meditation, a person can achieve mental solace easily. A review of 15 studies, published in the journal Aging and Mental Health, shows that older adults who started Yoga, massage therapy and listened to music got the best results within a short span of time and yoga and music appeared to be the most effective for both depression and anxiety.


Fatigue is a state of constant tiredness and weakness that is not relieved by rest. It means that stress and other lifestyle factors such as smoking, poor diet, lack of sleep or any underlying causes like heart disease, diabetes or thyroid issues are main reasons of fatigue. We found that the people who practice yoga daily were least tired. Fatigue can be overcome with muscle stretching and relaxation techniques.  Yoga is one such way to increase physical activity and helps you fight fatigue easily. It helps improve metabolism which gives you energy and makes you healthy again. Use the different yoga poses like big toe pose, bound angle pose, etc. to restore your energy naturally. But always listen to your body and take it slow if you need to.

Sharper Brain

When you do yoga, your brain cells develop new connections, and changes occur in brain structure as well as function, resulting in improved learning and memory skills. Yoga strengthens parts of your brain which plays a major role in remembering, attention, awareness, thought, etc. Studies using MRI scans and other brain imaging technology have shown that people who regularly did yoga had a thicker cerebral cortex which is the area responsible for information processing compared to the ones who do not practice yoga daily. This shows that your memory becomes sharper and you can think more with the help of increased brain activity. No one can call you numb anymore!

Yoga for Depression

Many of you have gone through this stage of life and especially COVID-19 has brought depression in many lives as we were home arrested and have no work, cannot go out, cannot meet our loved and dear ones as well as have to work very hard to earn our living. Depression shoots in at this point of time which makes you feel irritated. You lose your vigor, and become miserable and want to live in isolation. But you should know that the world is beautiful and you need to make it better every day and hence carry on with your daily exercises and Yoga as Yoga helps us to fight depression. It makes our lives colorful and you become cheerful like before. It helps you sleep again properly in peace. It helps you get positive thoughts and you become more sensitive as you come to know your body well. We sense physical movements and become more sensitive and aware. Meditate more as it helps to reconnect to your inner being and lets you master your own happiness.

 Yoga is one of the blessings that nature has given us and it has a lot of uses so, you practice more and with it you get the energy to study more. Find a local fitness center that uses online fitness training software to book your schedule.
We hope that you have enjoyed reading it and will do Yoga regularly! For more such interesting facts contact us and get
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