Is Disney World Worth It Considering Tickets, Souvenir, and Food

Is Disney World Worth It Considering Tickets, Souvenir, and Food

Before planning a trip to Disney World, it’s very plausible to wonder is Disney World worth it. Disney World vacation is a dream that every family wants to make a reality. It’s a storehouse of memories, a pool of good moments to swim on, a place away scooped out of your childhood and served on a plate. There are many things in Disney World that make it so exciting.

Well, no good thing comes free. Thus, even a Disney World trip is not cost-friendly. Hence, it is imperative that before embarking on this trip, you will want an answer to your question is Disney World worth it?

While there is no straight answer to this million-dollar question, every coin has two sides. If one represents the best of the lot, the other will come up with certain negative points.

Similarly, in the case of a trip to Disney World, there are pros and cons if you really want to value its worthiness.

So, if you are looking for an answer, this article is going to provide you with the best possible one. Stick with us till the end to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

What makes Disney World worth it?

Let’s start with the good things first and list out every answer which might react positively to the question is Disney World worth it?

Some things will definitely transport you back to your childhood, and you will not regret your decision to come here. So, what are they?


Disney World trip is the most fun for the kids. So, let’s begin with what they love the most. We grew up watching Goofy, Mickey, and Winnie the Pooh on the television. What if you get to visit them in real? Often many wonder is Disney World worth it for adults?

While an adult might not imagine Winnie the Pooh arriving to hug them, interacting with the characters from childhood is an amazing way to revive memories.

However, some sensitive adults aware of the working conditions might not feel it as suitable. But keeping that aside, it is an awesome ride down memory lane.

Disney World has a plethora of things associated with characters, which, again, normally are exciting for the kids. Apart from meets-and-greets and character interactions, one may also see the spectacle at the character parades.

You can also find the character you want to meet through the My Disney Experience App. Moreover, you might also come across the Lighting Lane option to book your seat early.


If character interactions or meets-and-greets don’t interest you, but you are in for a little theatricality, Disney shows are the place to crash. Walt Disney World is an entertainment factory. Thus, walking right through their premises promises you a host of entertaining shows to get immersed in.

So much so that, you might find the shows at par with the ones produced in Las Vegas or Broadway. However, here everyone, from the kids to the elderly ones in your family, will equally enjoy. Everything is picture-perfect in these shows, from make-up to light design.

Thus, the show biz that Disney is already getting once more revealed through these shows, which are enough to transport you to the world inside the TV screen you so fondly watched growing up.

Apart from the stage and the proscenium, there is even another magical place – the sky. Disney fireworks are a truly amazing experience that can be found nowhere. So, if you want to experience a mind-blowing fireworks show, this is where you can go!

Is Disney World Worth It Considering Tickets, Souvenir, and Food


Now comes the section where adults will truly find joy in. However, this is the most fun part for the kids. You have already guessed what I am talking about, haven’t you?

Not only will you and the kids experience a world close to your childhood, but Disney rides have greater manifestations and imaginations. Some of the best rides at Disney World include Star Wars, Toy Story, Avatar, and Peter Pan. Here, you will meet the most surreal characters accompanying you on larger-than-life adventures.

They paid attention to the rides and remembered that the wait could be boring. As a result, you can even explore some fun while waiting in the queue. For instance, while waiting for the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror ride, you can read up on the events of a mysterious night in 1939. Moreover, not only visual but other sensory feelings are also invoked here. This is best exemplified by the sprinkling of pixie dust all over you while you wait to ride in Peter Pan.

Thus, be it a classic attraction like It’s a Small World and Prince Charming’s Regal Carrousel or enjoying the wildest and daring adventures in Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure or Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind, Disney Imagineering has everything covered.

One might ask you to close your eyes someday and imagine the most daring and unimaginable Disney ride. The next day it might be possible that Disney Imagineering is serving that on your plate!

Disney Bubble

One of the greatest takeaways while thinking about is Disney World worth it is the Disney Bubble. So, this space creates a bubble that doesn’t let any of the daily stress and anxieties enter your mind during your stay at Disney World.

The huge size of Disney World ensures that you are literally inside a world created by Disney and inhabited by Disney characters and memories. This is the greatest feat in the human imagination that has literally made a universe of fiction come true.

Thus, this immersive experience will obviously lead to a bundle of memories that no one can ever take away from you. From experiencing the magnificent stays at the hotel, enjoying your private moment away from the crowd of the perks, to going to gala overrides and lovely delinquencies, is Disney World worth it seems to tick many things off your bucket list.

However, you would need a lot of planning to set everything in motion. It might be a dream world, but sadly it’s housed in reality. So, spontaneity is not really the tool you can rely upon to make the most out of it. It would help if you were a mix of both- a planner and a person who goes with the flow.

Why Makes Disney World not worth it?

Now that we have discussed the perks of visiting Disney World let’s dive into the layers that call for a second thought. Not every grass is greener in the Eastern hemisphere!

Genie Plus

Disney World is always changing, and it is, in fact, the only constant. It is constantly coming up with newer innovations that are price-tagged.

One such innovation is the Genie Plus. One often tends to minimize the waiting time to avoid the crowd and the heat, thus opting for Genie Plus services. But that leads to the question, is Genie Plus worth it Disney World?

Often, the price goes up, as much as $29 per person. So, If you add that to your theme park entry ticket, which usually hovers around $108-$109, you need to pay around $116 extra if you have a family of four.

Mind you that is just for one day at the park. Moreover, it excludes many popular destinations only available if you opt through Lightning Lane selections.

Even if you manage the prices, learning how to operate Genie+ is another part of this experience. You need to be tech-savvy to learn all the nitty-gritty that comes with it. Thus, Genie+ may not be something that you look up to.

Is Disney World Worth It Considering Tickets, Souvenir, and Food

Disney Dining Plan

The news is such that Disney Dining Plan is back. But, often, visitors ask is the meal plan at Disney World worth it?

Honestly, if you take my opinion, then no.

Firstly, you also need to use a lot of your planning skills here. Unlike others, buying the plan and using the credits however you like will be a mistake.

Secondly, the snack credits often get unused or remain underused at best.

Thirdly, you also need to deposit some advances to get your Disney Dining Plan running. Moreover, these packages also have many rules that are very restricting.

Fourthly, you are not eligible for any discounts while using Disney Dining Plan. As the meals are already included in the package, you cannot access further discounts. This doesn’t necessarily mean you are signing in for a cheaper option.

Thus, the Disney meal plan is neither saving you the effort to plan nor helping you with the cost. So, this part is negative feedback to the ones asking – is Disney World worth it?

Disney World Food Prices to Create a Full Day Budget


Apart from these, are Disney World tickets worth the money? There are different variations in the tickets to start with.

The Standard Theme Park ticket allows you to enter one theme park, costing you around $109 per person. The price will vary from time to time. In peak periods, it surges a lot.

The second one on the list is the Park Hopper. The Park Hopper ticket allows you to enter more than one park in a day, so it allows you to hop through Disney World. You will still need the Park Pass Reservations, but that is required for the first park in your list of visits. You need to pay $65 extra for the Park Hopper ticket, making it more costly.

Another option is to avail Park Hopper Plus ticket. Apart from the benefits of the Park Hopper ticket, this allows you to enjoy some extra benefits. So, you will have to pay an extra $85 along with your normal ticket.

Disney water park tickets usually are around $65.

So, the range of Disney World tickets is also not very low. But, the park hopper option is a good thing to avail, saving much effort.

Apart from these, there are also other troubles – the three most grueling are the weather, walking, and the crowd. However, if you are willing to undertake these woes, then you might soothe yourself with positive feedback to is Disney World worth it.

Disney World rip offs

You might not consider the ticket prices as Disney rip offs, but what about souvenirs? What if I told you that there is a souvenir worth $250,000 sold in Disney World?

Yup! After buying tickets, waiting in line, paying for Genie, and expensive food, the experience of buying souvenirs can also be pricey. It is the replica of the Cinderella Castle studded with gemstones.

Recently, another replica of the castle was sold for $49,500 before tax. Nobody has put their hands on the most expensive one yet. If you are ever visiting Disney World, don’t miss out on going through the collections at Crystal Arts. Here you will find many more replicas of the iconic Cinderella Castle.

Final Thoughts

Hope the article could satisfy your desire to know if Disney World is worth it. Well, the reality is not as black and white as it seems. There is a lot of grey area in it. Thus, Disney World might be a magic world, but it’s based on reality. Hence, if you accept its flaws, then bon voyage and have a great trip!