Josh D’Amaro Talks About Inclusivity and Innovation for Disney’s Future

Josh D'Amaro Talks About Inclusivity and Innovation for Disney's Future

The International Association of the amusement park and their publication named “Funworld” has interviewed Josh D’Amaro, Chairman of Disney Parks. He has talked about last year’s struggle and future innovation.

Josh D’Amaro talks about innovation

He took responsibility in 2020, at the beginning of this pandemic situation. At that time, it was a unique position for him to navigate a wonderful situation. After accepting the promotion in the middle of chaos, D’Amaro told the Funworld that they would not get any anxiety or bad feeling because of him.

He also said that he is feeling a massive and immediate responsibility for his role, which he cares about the most. This feeling is coming from his humbleness. Besides this, he said that he cares for his cast members who want his guidance.

He has given credit to Hong Kong Disneyland and Shanghai Disney Resort’s cast members for the Disney Parks’ reopening worldwide successfully. He stated that his team had done an extraordinary job to create a blueprint. With the help of this blueprint or template, they can use it, adapt it or apply it anywhere and anytime.

D’Amaro talks about inclusivity

He also discussed the several inclusivity changes of Disney Parks. It helps them to keep a lead of the charge. Besides this, he has reminded the legacy of the founders. Not only that, but he also wanted to give efforts to maintain relevance in recent times. According to him, the addition of inclusion keys is very powerful. So he wanted to add the fifth key as an inclusion with the infamous fourth key. Cast members will try to represent this.

Periodically changes are still happening just because the inclusion has been added with the Disney Parks’ tenets. Disney Parks has updated itself for the cast members, shows, and alterations to attraction.

According to D’Amaro, they should not rely on present experience only. Instead of it, they should update themselves continuously to make them appropriate and relevant all the time. During this development process, they must focus on the stories that they already have. They must tell these stories to the world to bring life into it. This way, people can see and feel these again.

In that interview, both D’Amaro and Funworld have talked about Disney Parks’ future. D’Amaro has reminded some changes that have come from this pandemic. Disneyland’s dissolution Annual pass holder is such a program that has been credited by D’Amaro in that interview. He explained that Disney Parks could get the same opportunities by providing more choice, more value, and greater flexibility to the fan base of the resort.