Prohibited Items at Disney Parks


If one thing is certain, it’s that Disney Parks are all about fun. In order for fun to prevail, though, there needs to be rules. Some of these rules consist of prohibited items, which are restricted to ensure that everyone feels safe and secure in the Disney Parks. 

The below list is by no means exhaustive, as there are a number of things that are actually prohibited in Disney Parks. Therefore, if you’re visiting a Disney Park and are unsure of what you’re allowed to take, be sure to consult the official site. It’s worth noting that Disney Park rules are subject to change without any notice, so don’t be alarmed if you find something banned on the day of your visit that isn’t listed on the site.

Marijuana/Marijuana-Enriched Products or Illegal Substances

Even in locations where it’s legal to consume marijuana, such as California, marijuana and marijuana-enriched products are banned in Disney Parks. This includes vaping kits that contain marijuana. On top of this, it goes without saying that illegal substances aren’t permitted in Disney Parks. For Disney Parks to remain the magical locations that they are, all laws need to be closely followed. This helps ensure that everyone can have a safe and enjoyable experience. After all, Disney Parks are family-friendly spaces, meaning it’s important to maintain this child-safe area.

Flammable and/or Explosive Objects

While Disney Parks host their own fireworks shows, it’s not permitted for visitors to bring in their own flammable or explosive objects. This means no fireworks, no fog machines, and no smoke machines. Naturally, this is to keep everyone safe. Since the official fireworks shows are regulated and carried out by professionals, there’s no risk of danger here. Of course, if visitors of the park were to set up fireworks in a random spot, this would be a serious hazard, which is why all flammable and explosive objects aren’t permitted in Disney Parks. 

Toys or Objects That Resemble Weapons or Firearms

Unfortunately for fans of Captain Hook or lovers of the Green Army Men from Toy Story, certain toy swords and guns might not be permitted in Disney Parks. This all depends on the exact appearance of these objects; if they resemble a weapon too closely, this could result in panic. As with all other prohibited items, the whole purpose of the ban is to ensure the well-being of all visitors to the park. If you’re unsure about whether a certain toy would be permitted in the park, be sure to contact them directly to find out. 

Restraining of Self-Defence Devices

Disney Parks are full of security personnel to keep you safe. At the risk of self-defence devices being used incorrectly, these are also banned from Disney Parks. This includes pepper spray and Mace, as these can cause serious harm in the wrong hands. If, for any reason, you do feel unsafe in a Disney Park, consult a member of staff. They will be able to assess the situation, reassure you, and take action if necessary. It’s very uncommon for visitors to feel unsafe in Disney Parks, so try not to worry about this. 

Weapons of Any Kind 

It goes without saying that weapons of any kind aren’t permitted in Disney Parks. This includes knives, ammunition, and firearms. After all, weapons can inflict harm, and it’s important to minimize the risk of this happening in any way possible. As previously mentioned, the staff at Disney Parks will keep you safe, so you don’t need to bring anything with you as a mode of self-defence. Safety is the number one priority at any Disney Park.