Top Free Edtech Tools to Make Teaching Fun and Effective


The classic classlesson method was a dominant system in education institutions four decades ago. She said that the most important thing was to listen carefully and take notes of what the teacher said. The feedback from the student was in the form of a review on how they did on various activities. This allowed the teacher to assign lower grades to students who are “poor” and higher grades for students who are “good”. Modern times are different. Students are more inspired, interested, and motivated when they have access to the best technology tools in the classroom. Positive motivation and cooperation are more effective than punishment in the classroom. Each student’s learning experience becomes more personalized as EdTech solutions allow for faster and better presentation. EdTech adoption by teachers results in a multiplier effect on the knowledge of their students and a pay rise. EdTech can be used by the private and public sectors to create cutting-edge instructional methods.

These factors have resulted in a rapid increase in students’ reliance upon technological aids in class. Software can be used to perform anything, from finding relevant information and synthesising it for you to ordering an online class taker service. These experts can complete the work of lecturers and serve as a reference for future projects.

Make EdTech easier

Unfortunately, the cost of instructional technology remains prohibitively expensive. It is vital that everyone has access to high-quality education, regardless of their location. This can only be done by making educational technology more accessible. Teachers should receive their research and development funds, which should be allocated to schools in a way that is separate from the general budget. This would give teachers a greater say in the design and development of EdTech software that teachers can use in their classrooms.

In recent years, standardization has been a major trend in educational technology and will remain so for many years to come. Despite the release of many exciting services in the field, the biggest challenge is the absence of interoperable digital ecosystems that can manage the creation of standards, curricula and structured data. This is one of the greatest obstacles. This is one of the biggest obstacles to developing and implementing technology tools in the classroom. It’s important to approach the process with a systematic manner. There will be less need for generic solutions and more opportunities for teachers and smaller companies to sell their products. This is due to a shift away from universal solutions and towards narrower solutions.

  1. AR/VR

In the coming years, it is expected that technology such as virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR), will be gaining significant ground in terms their disruptive potential. These learning tools are so inexpensive that educational institutions will have to invest in them. Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and immersive learning tools will allow students to explore new worlds or even inside the body. This will enable them to learn at a depth that is unimaginable before. This technology allows students to learn more quickly and gain practical experience that is not possible with traditional methods. Students in the medical field have the option to perform virtual procedures themselves, rather than watching a movie or taking part in a live demonstration. Research has shown that information retention can be improved by focusing on practical experience and relevance to the workplace.

  1. Google Doc and Google Disc

Google Workspace is an excellent suite of tools that facilitates productivity, learning and collaboration. Google Disc, a free service, allows you to store and exchange a variety of documents between colleagues or other users. As long as your gadget is Internet-connected, it will work. An offline mode lets you access your files without requiring internet connectivity. All you need is your username and password.

You can easily access all files on the CD by creating separate folders. Teachers can organize their lesson plans and resources by unit, grade or student name. Your Google Disc can be accessed from any Internet-connected device using your username and password. This will allow you to complete your tasks and send them to your teachers.

Google Doc is very similar to Microsoft Word. Google Doc is different because it allows multiple people to work on the same document simultaneously in an online environment. It is possible to create test items, share them with your learner, then quickly review his responses and discuss difficult concepts. Microsoft Word users will find the user experience easy, which makes onboarding simple.

  1. AI and analytics

Because it can tailor education to each learner’s needs, artificial intelligence will continue to be a part of classrooms today. Machine learning can evaluate the comprehension level of pupils and identify problem areas. If necessary, remedial education can also be provided. Teachers will be able to spend more time with students because they won’t need to do as many administrative tasks. This will result in better educational outcomes.

Twitter and Facebook, social media giants, do market research on users to increase their profits. Learning analytics is an area that uses similar methods, and educational institutions are looking into it. Learning analytics allows teachers to identify the best ways to teach students. This allows them to adapt their curriculum to meet the needs of students. Although learning analytics is still an emerging field of study, more educational institutions are starting to recognize its potential. Instructors will be able use it to predict the behavior of students, create lesson plans and track their student’s educational progress at the end of the day.

  1. Cards

For decades, teachers have used paper flashcards to teach. This amazing offering has a new dimension thanks to digital cards. Both students and educators can use a variety of programs to create and organize flashcard sets. Digital cards can be used for everything from traditional hypertext markup to complex interactive multimedia systems that are backed up by AI. Students can use the media elements of the cards to help them make concrete connections between concepts. This helps cement those concepts in their minds and makes this an old-fashioned method that is still useful in classrooms.

  1. Social media

Parents and educators are often frustrated by students’ excessive use of social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. What if social media is integrated into classrooms? Schools, classrooms, as well as homes, could all reap the benefits of social media’s potential to be a learning hub. Teachers might create groups in their classrooms to help with homework and share resources. Students can also be encouraged to start blogs to share their projects. This will draw more students to the assignment, and increase its visibility.