Problems at Disney World and How to Avoid Them

Problems at Disney World and How to Avoid Them

Our dream is to visit Disney World at least once in our lifetime. Before coming here, it is important to note the good aspects and plan our itinerary around it. However, it is also important to anticipate problems at Disney World. Here, we will give you some aspects to be aware of before your visit. It will help you be prepared and not get disappointed!

Disney World is a paradise for Disney lovers! We all want to experience the magic for once. And why not? We have always heard a lot of praises about the place. The park is huge; all our favorite characters are there, you get to live all your childhood fantasies. What can a person ask for more?

However, we have not heard much about the drawbacks of the place. All places come with their own set of pros and cons. So, it is no different when it comes to Disney World.

However, it is also to be kept in mind that these problems are not something you are sure to face when you get there.

In this article, we have jotted down some of the persistent problems at Disney World. These are some of the many problems that are mostly faced by the visitors when they get there. Hence, there is a good chance of you facing the same too.

Problems at Disney World and their solutions

Let us have a look at what those problems are:

Very pricy bottled water

We cannot control our thirst no matter what, can we? But imagine digging a huge hole in your pocket every time you get yourself a bottle of water. Sounds a li’l crazy, right?

This is hands down one of the biggest problems that Disney World must cater to solve. As a result, to cut down on the cost of getting bottled water every now and then is to hop into a quick-service restaurant. What you can get here is a free cup of water.

These restaurants are a savior considering that the temperature in Florida is always high. As a result, it is very likely to exhaust all your energy and feel dehydrated and thirsty. But, if you have to get yourself bottled water now and then, we are sure you would end up spending half of our travel budget there.

But, let’s face searching from these quick-service restaurants and hopping in there now and then for a free cup of water is both tiring and awkward.

Hence, to save yourself from trouble, what you can do is order a case of water for your hotel room. This is both convenient and would save you a good amount of money.

Cell phone recharge points

What are we without our phones in the current times, especially when we are at Disney World.

There are literally so many things in Disney World that there is a high chance of your phone getting drained out of its battery.

Hence, to be on the safer side, do not forget to carry a portable charger everywhere you go.

Make some space for it in your bag by putting away the ones you can do without. But imagine missing out on capturing a nice moment because your cell phone is dead.

We are sure you do not want to face that horror, do you?

However, there could be times that you genuinely cannot find space in your bag to carry a portable charger and a cord. Or let us consider that you forget to carry a portable charger.

What must you do then? Fret not, since even Disney World does not want you to miss capturing your precious moments.

The park has charger stations at regular intervals. You can walk down to one of these places and charge your cell phones.

Problems at Disney World and How to Avoid Them

Lost and Found

Disney World is huge. It is filled with many things to see and so many rides to enjoy. Hence, there is a huge possibility of you losing something.

Let us just accept that we tend to lose things when we are too excited and happy, do we not?

But do not worry, in case you lose something, request one of the cast members to help you find the thing.

The cast members there are extremely cooperative and face this now and then. They would thus help you to look out for the thing you lost.

If you do not register, you losing something right at the moment and realize it later, it is too not a problem. The cast members generally collect the lost and found items and give to the nearest merchandise store.

You have a look for the nearest merchandise store from where you lost your valuable and look out for if they have found yours.

The valuables left uncollected are generally passed in the lost and found teams later on. Hence, the possibility of you not finding the value that you lost is very low.

But as they say, prevention is better than cure, is it not? Hence, to be on the safest side, keep checking your valuables and do not lose out on anything.

EPCOT International Festival of the Holidays

Unkept Hotel Rooms

The first thing that we all want to do after a long trip is to hop in fast to our hotel room, get freshen up, and unwind. But imagine driving for hours, walking through a long and tiring hallway to realize that the room you booked is not ready yet.

Although we hate to imagine something like that can happen to any of us, there is a huge possibility of that happening, and no, we are not joking.

It is one of the major problems at Disney World. Hence, be mentally prepared to face any of such circumstances. Thus, book your park ticket from beforehand so that if any such things happen, you can at least hop on to the park and enjoy.

But, if you do not have a parking ticket at all, fret not, since there are so many things that you can do instead of getting bored sitting in the lobby.

On a little trip exploring the resort you are about to stay in, you can relax by the pool, or head towards Disney Springs and have some fun. Do not worry about your luggage. You can keep it at the bell services without any charge, safely.

Best Hotel to Stay in Disney World

Hurting Feet

Well, we all know how huge Disney World is, do we not? It is huge, pretty, and has everything that you cannot afford to miss out on. Hence, needless to put it across, a trip to Disney World would include a lot of walking.

Hence, if you are into fitness and have a habit of walking miles per mile each day, this walk would be a piece of cake for you. But, if you are not into fitness, which we are sure many of us are not, pull your socks up (literally) for some real struggle.

Disney World requires you to walk a lot, and hence your feet are going to get dumb after a point. Therefore, do not forget to carry shoes that give you the ultimate comfort that you seek.

Make sure they have breathing space and are not tight. Ensure the sole is soft and plumpy. Along with it, do not forget to carry different pairs of shoes with you. This would give your feet a change and cause less hurt.

For being on the safest side, carry bandages for situations when you get on cut on your feet from all the walking.

To give your feet some rest, head back to your room and dip them in some warm water. After a long, tiring day, we are sure this would feel no less than heaven.

Unexpected rainfall

Rain is one of the most undesired and unavoidable circumstances we get trapped in. It has the power to spoil an otherwise perfect day. And we better not deny that it is almost every time we forget to pack an umbrella or a poncho if it rains. That is right, even with the numerous plannings and checking, the probability of us leaving our umbrellas home is huge.

But, when in Disney World, fret not. There are only a few problems that this place does not have a solution to. Disney World also knows that we can forget our umbrellas home like many things else. For the same reason, many shops there sell umbrellas and ponchos.

But there is just one drawback; the price is high. These shops are located at regular intervals, which you can easily find. There are chances of you not spotting a shop. In that case, you can take the help of a cast member.

Hence, you can have fun in the indoor areas if you want to avoid digging a hole in your pocket. There are a couple of indoor locations where you can have fun until the rain subsides and you go out. Some of them are Mickey’s Philharmagic, One Man’s Dream, the Country Bear Jamboree, the Hall of Presidents, amongst many others.

Problems at Disney World and How to Avoid Them

First Aid

Let us face it, the probability of facing a minor injury, especially when you have kids with you, is high. If you end up in a situation like such and require first aid urgently, there is no need to panic.

Many First Aid centers are present in both the water parks and the theme parks. From over-the-counter allergy medicines, lip balms, eye drops, hand sanitizers to bandaids, bandages, deodorants, you would find all the necessary items here.

There are nurses present here during the operational hours of the park that would help you with anything that you require. If you are going to get just a bandaid aid, then you will get it for free. But, if you are purchasing a full medical kit, you would pay for the same.

Apart from First Aid centers, various shops are present in the park that keep bandages and bandaids. However, these maybe a little too pricy. The cast members are always there to help if you cannot find a First Aid center.

first aid center

Final thoughts

Problems at Disney World have solutions too. These were some things that we often tend to miss out on no matter how much we plan.

Hence, next time you plan a trip to Disney World, make sure you keep these points in mind. Apart from that, you can always turn to the extremely cooperative cast members of Disney World for every problem you face.